- Peng Wai large props making workshop. 棚外有大型道具制作车间。
- Koji making is a processing including the growth of Aspergillus oryzae,enzyme secretion and enzymolysis of substrates. 酱油制曲是米曲霉生长、分泌各种酶并且通过这些酶分解原料的过程。
- This paper described the function and basic demand of koji making materials, characteristic and requirement of usage of general materials and so on. 该文叙述了制曲原料的基本要求、作用,常用制曲原料的特性等。
- Participants listening attentively to the instruction of the Museum staff in the Wannianqing Warship Model Making Workshop. 在万年清号战船模型制作工作坊,市民正留心博物馆职员的讲解。
- The owner of the Farvardin Minaret Making Workshop says that minaret-making is a popular profession because Iran is an Islamic country. 法费汀宣礼塔制作工场说,宣礼塔制作是一个受欢迎的行业,因为伊朗是一个伊斯兰教的国家。
- The techniques used in soft-thick Luzhou liquor production, which include the enrichment of microbial in manmade cellar mud, koji making technology, piling, fermentation and distil improvement, are described. 摘要绵柔丰满浓香型白酒生产中应重视如下四方面的技术措施:人工窖泥培养微生物区系的完善性、大曲培制工艺中增加蛋白源和提高蛋白酶活力、堆积发酵在生产中的应用及蒸馏设备的改进。
- To make famous and excellent liquor, choice of raw materials is the predetermination;koji making is the basis;technology is the key point;storage and blending are the means of quality improvement. 原材料的选择是生产名优白酒的先决条件,控制麸曲是名优白酒酿造的关键,贮存勾兑是提高名优白酒的手段。
- The traditional processing technology and the operation of Baoning vinegar are introduced in this paper. The function, merit and shortcoming of koji making and fermentation are also analyzed. 该文介绍了保宁醋传统生产工艺及操作,并分析了制曲、发酵等过程的作用及优缺点。
- A simulated system of Koji making which was designed by the authors and researching results of the interaction effect between Aspergillus clavatus and yeast using the system were reported. 报道了作者设计的酒曲制作的模拟体系和以此模拟体系对棒曲霉与酵母菌相互关系的研究结果。
- This paper referred to the documents in the Design Criterion of Concrete Framework (GBJ10-89) as confirmations of post calculating length of salt making workshop with combining the practice of salt making workshop design for safety. 该文引用了《混凝土结构设计规范》(GBJ10-89)中确定框架柱计算长度的部分资料,并结合制盐厂房框架设计实际,初步提出框架梁柱的适宜刚度比以及如何合理的选用柱的计算长度,以保证制盐主厂房框架结构设计的安全。
- The paper introduces the treatment of methanol residue in jacketed boilers of gas - making workshop to realize methanol residue zero emission, thus resolving the pollution of methanol residue. 介绍甲醇残液送造气车间夹套锅炉的治理情况,实现了甲醇残液的零排放,彻底解决了甲醇残液污染问题。
- Matured koji made from high-pressure steamed material had various enzymes with high activity. 高压法的蒸熟料制成的大曲酶系齐全且酶活高;
- The liqueur koji made from SUSE strain in the production of culinary wine has higher stability and the food seasonde by liqueur koji has a good color,fragrance and flavor. 将SUSE菌株制得的甜酒曲用于生产调料酒,稳定性好;用于食品调味、色、香、味俱佳。
- It is this problem of the initial wear taking off the hills and hollows which makes workshop engineers so particular in obtaining the smoothest possible finish on motor and aeroplane cylinders and pistons, on high speed bearings, and so on. 正是一开始接触面之间高低不平的地方要被磨平这个问题,使车间工程师强调,要求在加工汽车和飞机的汽缸与活塞以及高速轴承等时,力争达到尽可能高的表面光洁度。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Study on the culture characters of some strains of Rhizopus sp. For koji making 酿酒用根霉菌株的培养特性研究
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。