- Xiaowan Hydroelectric Power Station Left Bank Accumulation Body Anchorage Cables Trial Construction 小湾水电站左岸堆积体锚索试验施工
- The town stands on the left bank of the river. 城镇位于河的左岸。
- left bank accumulation 左岸谷肩堆积体
- The university is on the left bank of the river. 大学在河的左岸。
- The accumulation resulted from a series of sequential colluvial landslides from left bank slope of the former Huanglang river. 研究表明,该崩滑堆积由古黄琅河左岸先后多次顺层崩滑堆积侧向叠置而成。
- A former town of north-central Hungary on the left bank of the Danube River. Since 1873 it has been part of Budapest. 佩斯匈牙利中北部旧时的一个城镇,位于多瑙河左岸。从1873年以来一直是布达佩斯的一部分。
- Book sellers on the left bank of the Seine river, Paris. 赛纳河左岸的售书摊。
- The Hydrogenerator in the Three Gorges Left Bank Power Station. 新安江水力发电厂。
- The left bank of a river is on your left as you face the direction in which it flows . 当你面对河水所流的方向时,河的左岸就在你的左边。
- The US Marines have so far been unable to side nth staging area they captured seven days ago on the left bank of Euphrates. 霉海军陆战队到目前为止不能联结七天前在幼法拉底斯河左岸占领的部队集结地。
- A former town of north-central Hungary on the left bank of the Danube River. Since1873 it has been part of Budapest. 佩斯匈牙利中北部旧时的一个城镇,位于多瑙河左岸。从1873年以来一直是布达佩斯的一部分
- The road followed the capricious windings of the southern branch of the Platte Fiver, on its left bank. 火车沿着普拉特河左岸,顺着普拉特河南部支流千变万化的弯曲河岸前进。
- Even that fixture of the Paris Left Bank, the public intellectual, has almost disappeared. 即使如此,夹具的巴黎左岸,公共知识分子,也几乎消失了。
- On the 30th he attacked Mortier's division, which was on the left bank of the Danube, and defeated it. 三十日,库图佐夫攻打驻守在多瑙河左岸的莫蒂埃师团,把它击溃了。
- In the damsite of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station, there is a high side-slope in left bank. 五强溪水电站坝址左岸边坡高,自然边坡上缓下陡,边坡岩体岩性软硬相间,节理裂隙密集。
- The left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream. 当你面对流水的方向时,你的左手边也就是河的左岸。
- His armies were defeated, and he ceded the left bank of the Rhine to France in exchange for Venetia and Dalmatia. 吃了败仗之后,他为了换回维也纳和达尔马提亚,他又割让了莱茵河左岸给法国。
- Every month goes to a bank accumulating the one share of own salary regularly rise, crossing on a few annual meeting to discover he are returned is small have the stockpile. 每个月定期去银行把自己工资的一部分存起来,过上几年会发现自己还是小有积蓄。
- The three State Policy Banks accumulate capital by issuing treasury bonds to commercial banks and the market. 这三家国家政策性银行通过向商业银行和市场发行债券筹集资金。