- She went about like a hog on ice. 她走来走去,自以为了不起。
- like a hog on ice 处境困难
- as a hog on ice 处境困难
- At the table he acted like a hog and ate most all of the meat. 在饭桌上他象猪一样吃掉了大部分的肉。
- At the table he acted like a hog and ate most all of the meat. . 在饭桌上他象猪一样吃掉了大部分的肉。.
- He eats like a hog. 他像猪一样贪食。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。
- But he did not carry his finery like a hog in armour, as an Englishman so often does when an Englishman stoops to be fine. 英国人迫不得已穿上华美服装,看起来总有些别扭,但他却不是这个样子。
- Mammy: I ain't aiming for you to go after Mr. Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! 奶妈:我不准你去追威尔克斯先生,还有像农民一样地大吃大喝,叫得跟头猪似的!
- That new fashion caught on like a house on fire. 那种新款式很快就流行起来了。
- I ain`t aiming for you to go after Mr.Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! 我跟你说过多少次;淑女是不能在大庭广众前和鸟一样跟那些小伙子们在一起吃饭的.
- To cause(the back) to arch like that of a hog. 像猪那样地拱起(背)
- If you don't want to be like a hog in armor,you'd better change another one instead. 如果你不想像穿上盔甲的猪,你最好换一件试试。
- A cut of meat from the thigh of a hog. 火腿肉从猪大腿上切下来的肉
- An army, like a snake, fight on its belly. 军队好比一条蛇,要靠肚子来打仗。
- But he did not carry his finery like a hog in armour,as an Englishman so often does when an Englishman stoops to be fine. 英国人迫不得已穿上华美服装,看起来总有些别扭,但他却不是这个样子。
- Between the two evils, it was better to have Scarlett wear an afternoon dress at a morning barbecue than to have her gobble like a hog. 比较起来,与其让思嘉到野宴上去狼吞虎咽,还不如任凭她在早上穿起下午的衣裳来算了。
- Some of them like a blooming peony, plum blossom, some as thin, and some, like the separation of Zhicha antlers, and some, like the glass on Ice frozen. 它们有的像盛开的牡丹,有的像瘦削的梅花,有的像分出枝杈的鹿角,有的像玻璃上冻结的冰花。
- A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight. 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。
- One, Tituba (a slave), confessed to seeing the devil who appeared to her “sometimes like a hog and sometimes like a great dog. 其中一个叫蒂图巴(是一个奴隶),她供认说看到一个魔鬼出现在她面前,“有时像一头肥猪,有时又像一只大狗”。