- We jump into the car and make a dash for the ferry. 我们跳上汽车,冲向码头。
- We'll have to make a dash for it. 我们将不得不迅速逃走。
- The prisoners made a dash for freedom. 囚犯冲向自由。
- Suddenly I saw a taxi at the corner and made a dash for it. 突然间我看见街角处有一辆出租车,就朝它飞跑过去。
- He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar. 他跳下公共汽车直奔近处的酒吧。
- We made a dash for the exit as soon as we smelt smoke. 一闻到烟味儿我们就朝出口处冲去。
- We jumped into the car and made a dash for the ferry. 我们跳上汽车; 冲向码头.
- The man, who she said was poised to sexually assault her, tackled her to the ground, but her suntan protection allowed her to escape his grasp and make a dash for the door. 这名据她说准备要性侵她的男子,将她扑倒在地,但她的防晒保护使她得以从他的掌握中脱逃并夺门而出。
- They made a headlong dash for the door. 他们迅猛地向门口冲去。
- A young swift fox makes a dash for its den, a kangaroo rat clenched tightly in its teeth. 嘴里紧紧地叼着刚刚捕获的小袋鼠,这只年轻的狐狸飞奔回它的巢穴。
- As the door closes behind Kratos, Perseus desperately makes a dash for freedom, but is unable to make it before the wall crashes down. 随着奎托斯身后铁门的落下,珀尔修斯拼命前冲企图重获自由,但他仍没能在门完全关闭以前逃出去。
- We waited for the police to leave then made a dash for it(= left quickly in order to escape). 我们等警察离开后便迅速逃走。
- He made a sudden dash for the tall grasses. 他一头扎进高高的草丛中。
- Perks, 35, and another officer managed to get the distraught man on the ground, but he broke free and made a dash for the cliff edge. 现年35岁的珀克斯和另一名警官先是将这名发狂的轻生者从崖边拉到安全的地面上,但是他挣脱了两位警官,又冲到了悬崖边上。
- They could make a dash into the valley, secure their man. 他们可以一口气冲进山谷,活捉那家伙。
- He made a dash towards the house. 他朝那所房子奔去。
- He is making a dash toward the goal. 他朝球门猛冲。
- We made a dash through the rain to the bus. 我们冒雨向公共汽车猛奔过去。
- He's making a dash toward the goal. 他朝球门猛冲。
- The soldiers made a dash at the enemy. 战士们向敌人猛冲。