- manufactured bridge pier 预制桥墩
- Local scour depth around bridge pier is a very important parameter in design of sea-crossing bridge base. 摘要桥墩周围局部冲刷深度是跨海大桥基础设计的重要参数。
- The wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier, designed to divide the current and break up ice floes. 桥墩分水角桥墩的楔形边缘,用来分开水流并打碎浮冰块
- The wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier,designed to divide the current and break up ice floes. 桥墩分水角桥墩的楔形边缘,用来分开水流并打碎浮冰块。
- Kap Shui Mun Bridge Pier 1 - The light was solarized to increase the reliability of the beacon in March. 汲水門橋躉1-該燈於3月期間換上全新太陽能系統,用以提高航標的可靠性。
- The downflow and horseshoe vortex is guided to the downstream successfully far away from the bridge pier structure. 向下射流与马蹄形涡流成功的被导引至桥墩结构物下游后方处。
- Using energy method, the geometric non-linear of higher bridge pier is analyzed. 考虑地基弹性变形影响,用能量法对高桥墩进行几何非线性分析。
- By the use of video technology to achieve a collision avoidance warning to the bridge pier. 提出一种利用视频技术实现对桥墩防撞预警的方法。
- Tsing Ma Bridge Pier 5 - The light was solarized to increase the reliability of the beacon in March. 汲水門橋躉1-該燈於3月期間換上全新太陽能系統,用以提高航標的可靠性。
- Design and Construction of the anchor system for the large steel cofferdam of bridge pier of Wuhan Junshan Yangtze River Highway Bridge are introduced. 介绍武汉军山长江公路大桥桥墩的巨型钢围堰在水上施工时,所采取的锚碇系统的设计。
- Analysis and inquiry of the common problems in bridge pier sliding form construction , and also speak of how to handle it. 对桥梁墩台滑模施工中一些常见问题产生的原因进行分析探讨,并提出了解决的措施和途径。
- Due to the disturbed flow at bridge pier, the original condition of flow and bed scouring and sedimentation was changed, and thus the navigation condition was affected. 摘要建桥后由于桥墩扰流,改变了原有的水流条件与河床冲淤条件,从而影响到原有的通航条件。
- This paper presents a method of demolishing the footing of overpass bridge pier by means of blasting under conditions of hard rock and narrow excavation space with a view of giving reference for same kind demolition. 本文介绍了坚硬岩石小爆破截面条件立交桥桥脚桩基孔的爆破方法,可为同类施工提供借鉴。
- Through comprehensive analysis and check computations of the pile of No. 4 pier of a certain highway, this essay presents a tentative improving measures to the pile of soft soil foundation abutment and bridge pier in designing and construction. 通过某高速公路A桥4%23墩桩基的综合分析与验算;对软土地基桥台和近台桥墩的桩基设计与施工提出了初步改进措施.
- Ice breakup after each winter is violent and would destroy normal bridge piers. 在冬天过后冰的消融也会是危险强烈的并且会对普通的桥墩造成毁灭性的破坏。
- It is found that mechanism which improves seismic performance of steel bridge pier: Inner cruciform plates changes local deformation mode of tubular column and improves strength and ductility. 明确了十字形钢板改善桥墩抗震性能的机理:十字形钢板的设置改变了钢管局部变形的模态,从而提高了结构的延性和承载力。
- An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article. 未定名的主要新产品未命名的或假想的制品
- She manufactured a false story to hide the facts. 她编 造瞎话以掩盖事实。
- The development of transport system facilitates the adoption of prestressed reinforcement concrete (PRC) bridge piers. 摘要我国交通系统的完善促进了预应力混凝土(PRC)桥墩在桥梁建设中的应用。
- A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured. 药厂用于生产药品和化学物质的地方