- The death of the King marked an epoch. 这国王的死是划时代的大事。
- Mr Ryder resolved that this ball should mark an epoch in the social history of Groveland. 莱德先生决心使这场舞会成为格鲁佛兰德社交史上划时代的大事。
- They led to a war with Russia which marks an epoch in the history of Asia, the close of the period of European arro-gance. 这些事件导致了一场对俄战争,这场战争在亚洲的历史上标志着一个新纪元,标志着欧洲人妄自尊大时期的结束。
- It would mark a new era; it would make an epoch. 这将标志一个新的纪元,这将创造一个新的时代。
- Within ten years she was ready for a struggle with Russia which marks an epoch in the history of Asia, the close of the period of European arrogance. 不到10年,她已经准备好与俄国抗争,日俄之争标志着亚洲历史的新纪元,标志着欧洲人倨傲自大的时期已经结束。
- They led to a war with Russia which marks an epoch in the history of Asia, the close of the period of European arrogance. 这些事件导致了一场对俄战争,这场战争在亚洲的历史上标志着一个新纪元,标志着欧洲人妄自尊大时期的结束。
- His audience with the president was an epoch in his life. 他谒见总统是他一生中值得纪念的一件事。
- The invention of the computer makes an epoch. 计算机的发明是划时代的大事。
- Of, relating to, or characteristic of an epoch. 开新纪元的与新纪元或其特征有关的
- Meeting George was an epoch in Mary's life. 遇到乔治是玛丽生命中的转折点。
- His audience with the president is an epoch in his life. 他谒见总统是他一生中值得纪念的一件事。
- The years of the American Revolution were an epoch in the history of the United States. 美国独立战争时的岁月是美国历史上的重要时期。
- A unit of time, longer than an epoch and shorter than an era. 纪比世长比代短的时间单位
- Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement. 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成熟的时代。The
- Ours is an epoch in which heroes are coming forward inmultitudes. 我们的时代是一个英雄辈出的时代。
- The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement. 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。
- An epoch creates a culture, and an epoch chooses a culture. 摘要时代造就文化,时代选择文化。
- Does it mark an astonishing American victory, snatched from the jaws of defeat? 它标志着这一场虎口脱险,令世人称奇的美国式胜利?
- mark an epoch; mark an era 划时代
- Putting faith in the deal marks an about-turn. 而这次在协议中对北朝鲜的信任标志其态度的巨大转变。