- modem cultural concept 现代文化观
- Cultural Concept: Pioneering, Practical, Sincere, Shareable. 文化理念前卫,实干,真诚,共享。
- The difference of knowledge and conflict on thoughts between ZENG Guofan and ZENG Jize, KANG Youwei and LIANG Qichao could be regarded as the typical examples in the modem cultural history of China. 发生在曾国藩和曾纪泽父子之间及康有为和梁启超师生之间的认识差异和思想冲突,可以看成是近代思想史上代际冲突最典型的例子。
- To analyze this, the author made an in-depth research on Lin Yutang's cultural concept and bilingual writing. 为了分析这个要点,作者对林语堂的文化观和双语写作作了深入的研究。
- He tried to construct a system of Chinese Christology through the combination between his belief of Christianity and Chinese cultural concept. 他以文学的形式努力构建汉语基督神学思想,这是他的基督教信仰与他的中国文化观念相遇的产物。
- It discusses their formation of cultural concept, their cultural practice and participation as well as their relations and ideological backgrounds. 文中对其主要成员的人缘关系、交往始末、思想背景作了初步分析。
- The writer states that no matter how imposing the modem culture is, the ties to hold together the whole Chinese nation will always be Chinese traditional culture. 摘要本文认为,不管现代文化怎样的色彩斑斓,怎样的气势夺人,维系整个中华民族的纽带和基础始终是中国传统文化。
- Jing Literary School's imagery is a special flay phenomenon in the stage of China traditional culfure's changing into modem culture, and it has a special aesthetic value. 摘要京派文学意象是中国传统文学向现代文学转换过程中产生的特殊的文学现象,具有特殊的审美价值。
- By exploring and researching Xidi, Hongcun these two countries, we here reveal the pictures of the Huizhou civil buildings, customs, the elegant demeanour of the alleyway, and the Huizhou cultural concept of the combination of heaven and humans. 通过西递、宏村两个村落的探源与考证,展现徽州民居、民俗、小巷特有的风情以及徽人天人合一的文化观念。
- OCT International Hotel Management Company is running the hotel business based on a unique theme cultural concept, it dedicates to offer every stay customer with excellent experience. 华侨城国际酒店管理公司以独树一帜的主题文化为酒店经营背景,致力提供优质的入住体验。
- Thus, it is very vital significance for construstion of socialist spiritual civilization to understand its historical and practical functions, explore its active factors and be in harmony with modem culture. 因此,认识它的历史作用和现实意义,并及时予以抢救和保护,进而发掘它的积极因素,融于现代文化之中,对于社会主义精神文明建设具有十分重要的意义。
- This paper tries to ana lyse the development, main point and character of his culture concept, and make a fair appraise of the historical status of his cultural concept. 解读其文化观的发展轨迹、旨、征,并对其文化观的历史地位进行公允的评价。
- The cultural concept of venerating sheep is various and complicated.It has countless ties with the traditional culture such as alchemist, ghost, celestial being stories. 羊崇拜中的文化观念是复杂多样的,其与方术、鬼灵仙怪等传统文化多种分支纠葛难分。
- Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?
- This treatise discussing the relationship between the duality of consciences and sign form, and its crucial meanings of cultural conceptions. 本文探讨了意识二重性与符号形式的关系,以及符号形式的文化观念意义。
- Cultural concepts in society have strong impacts on social value, which affects the process of science development. 社会的文化思想影响社会的价值观念,进而影响科学发展的进程。
- But the research doesn’t lucubrate not only in musical form but also cultural conception in China. 然而,不论在音乐形态方面还是文化观念方面,国内对爵士乐的研究还远说不上深入。
- The Recognition of the Modem Culture of Macau 关于澳门现代文化的理解
- Tangen IMC proposes the enterprise culture concept of A+,with the aim of providing more professional and international services to our clients . 迪勤国际倡导“A+”企业文化理念,立志给客户更为专业化、国际化的优质服务!
- He is out of step with modem life/ideas. 他与现代生活思想格格不入。