- To insure integration and to build up mutual confidence, General Marshall felt it essential that, at that time, his deputy should be from the Air Corps. 当时马歇尔将军觉得为保证团结及建立共同信心,他的副手,实应由空军中选拔。
- The only sound basis of a personal service relarionship is mutual confidence and respect.Unless that exists at the start, the account will eventaually represent loss and disappointment. 建立服务关系的唯一坚实基础,就在于彼此的信心与尊敬。除非一开始就有此基础,否则客户终将得以赔钱和失望而收场。
- The only sound basis of a personal service relationship is mutual confidence and respect. Unless that exists at the start, the account will eventually represent loss and disappointment. 建立服务关系的唯一坚实基础,在于彼此的信心与尊敬。除非一开始就有此基础,否则客户终将落得以赔钱与失望收场。
- The rise to the relational in mutual confidence (Xia Bing believed again Pang Yong frames by planting stolen goods on), ends in the emotion to need mutually. 再上升到关系上的互信(夏冰坚信庞勇被栽赃),最终成为情感上互需。
- It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely. 密切合作将为我们业务的顺利开展提供保证。
- Thanks for your vote of confidence. 谢谢你对我的支持。
- The team breathed confidence before the match. 该队在比赛前显得很有信心。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- I have every confidence in our success. 我对我们的胜利充满信心。
- The publication of this boost my confidence. 这本书的出版增强了我的信心。
- We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。
- Mutual understanding is essential to friendship. 相互理解对友谊至关重要。
- The servant enjoyed his master's confidence. 这仆人深得主人的信赖。
- The party was rent with mutual strife. 该党因互相倾轧而四分五裂。
- I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion. 我对你的轻率鲁莽具有全副信心。
- Barbara's boss wavered in his confidence in her. 芭芭拉的上司对她的信心发生动摇了。
- I'm telling you this in strict confidence. 这件事我只告诉你。
- I am telling you this in strict confidence. 我告诉你的这件事是因绝对相信你会保守秘密的
- Wanting mutual support, victory is impossible. 没有互相支援就不可能胜利。