- national- level poor countries 国家级贫困县
- Popular consent for liberalisation was bought with promises of solidarity in the form of welfare safety nets at the national level, and hefty flows of aid from rich to poor countries at the EU level. 普遍的共识是,从民族的层面来看,自由化同社会保障体系相一致;从欧盟的层面来看,自由化应该是使大量的援助赠款从富国流向穷国。
- There is a food shortage in some poor countries. 在一些贫苦国家有食物短缺的情形。
- New AIDS Pill to Treat People in Poor Countries! 在贫穷的国家有新的爱滋病药治疗病人!
- Strong element of neo-colonialism persist in the economic relation of the rich and poor countries. 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留着浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
- But this situation is admittedly rare in poor countries today. 然而这种情形在今天的贫困国家中显然是罕见的。
- Strong elements of neo-colonialism persist in the economic relations of the rich and poor countries. 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留著浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
- Establishing criterion for investment of a nation's resources is crucially important for poor countries. 对穷国来说,建立国家资源的投资标准是至关重要的。
- There is a desperate need for food in poor countries. 贫困国家极需食品。
- The need for refrigeration limits use in poor countries. 需要冷藏限制使用在贫穷国家。
- The goal of the World Bank is to promote growth in poor countries. 世界银行的目标是推动贫穷国家发展。
- The diseases that afflict the poor in poor countries. 折磨贫困国家穷人的疾病。
- Dr Paton wanted to treat people who were blind in poor countries. 帕特博士想要治疗那些在穷困国家的盲人。
- In a poor country, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth. 在贫穷的国家里,有辆自行车就是比较富裕的象徵。
- It's among the poorer countries of the world. 它是世界上的贫穷国家之一。
- Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries. 阿富汗是最贫穷的国家之一。
- Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer. 不等价交换使穷国更穷。
- Although there will still be poor countries,most will be quite rich. 尽管仍有穷国,但大多数国家将相当富有。
- For millions in poor countries,these programmes of assistance are the UN. 在穷国千百万人的眼里,这些援助方案就是 联合国。
- We have always admitted that we are a weak and poor country. 至于说我们穷呀弱呀,我们历来不回避,我们向来这样讲。