- ocean - going ship manoeuvring 海洋船舶驾驶
- They are going ship the machines to Shanghai. 他们打算把这些机器用船运往上海。
- The first fully ocean going ship in Europe, the Carrack is a four-masted vessel developed in the Mediterranean during the 15th century, and later used throughout Europe. 卡拉克战舰是欧洲最早的四桅远洋战舰,十五世纪在地中海地区出现,后为欧洲诸国广泛采用。
- Are the officers familiar with navigation equipments (APAR radar, AIS, communication equipments)on the bridge, and ship manoeuvring information? 驾驶员是否熟悉驾驶台控制与航海设备以及船舶的操纵性能?
- In 2002, the two majors of Ocean-Going Ship Manoeuvring and Engineering Management became the leading teaching reform courses of the national vocational education. 2002年海洋船舶驾驶、轮机管理2个专业成为全国高职高专教育专业教学改革试点专业;
- The ship plowed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。
- Mechanics and Applyment on Ship Manoeuvring 船舶操纵运动中的力学问题及实际应用
- Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean. 弗雷德一想要远渡重洋,就兴奋得要命。
- The application of anchors in ship manoeuvring 锚在船舶操纵中的应用
- The ship ploughed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。
- The principle of PLC and its application in ocean going ships PLC的工作原理及在远洋船舶上的使用
- A Probe into the Large Ship Manoeuvring Training Course 大型船舶操纵培训实践及探讨
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. 办事员在回家前记好当天的日记帐。
- Study on the Training Course for Large Ship Manoeuvring Simulator 论大型船舶操纵模拟器的培训
- The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. 那些宇航员们溅落在太平洋中。
- The ocean lanes are always busy. 远洋航路总是很繁忙。
- Prediction on Container Ship Manoeuvring Performance in Wind 大型集装箱船受风工况下操纵性计算预报
- I took Mary to lunch she insisted on going Dutch. 我带玛丽出去吃午饭,但她坚持要平摊费用。
- How am I going to get out of this jam? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢?