- Don't butcher that song by singing off key. 别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。
- A libran who wears anything but a romantic or sensual perfume smells off key. 多款品牌的香氛都有不错的新选择。
- He has a fine ear for music, and can always tell when someone is singing off key. 他辨别音乐的能力很强,有人唱走调时他总能听出来。
- He has a fine ear for music , and can always tell when someone is singing off key . 他辨别音乐的能力很强,有人唱走调时他总能听出来。
- But as long as the distributed hand of life dominates, it will keep the chemicals of Earth off key. 但是,只要生命的分布式之手占优势,它就能保持地球的化学性质不平衡。
- I am going to sing for you .a little off key perhaps.but i will sing.i will sing while you croak. 我要为你歌唱, 可能有一点离题。当你嘶哑抱怨时, 我要歌唱。在你肮脏得尸体上, 我要舞蹈。
- The dancing Chinese women were kinda freaky, but the little girl was cute if horribly off key. 那些跳舞的中国女人有点怪/恐怖?)但是那个小女孩还是很可爱的,虽然严重走音。
- I intend to sweeten the music in any part of the body level dream that is off key or sour. 我意愿将我身体水平梦想中任何走调或酸涩部分的音乐变甜美。
- Say what you will about the liberties the bond string quartet takes with a piece of classical music,you can't fault its sexually charged performances for being off key. 不管你对棒辣妹四重奏自由演绎古典乐作品有何种说法,你无法责怪她们性感十足的表演毫无音乐水准。
- Bush, singing only slightly off key, then turned to some of the long-term members of his team including Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. 布什唱得有点跑调,之后在歌中唱到了切尼和国务卿赖斯等与他合作多年的“战友”。
- That which was bright and beautiful to begin with began to go sour and off key in sound and became increasingly opaque in color. 那些起初美丽而光明的事物,开始变得声音酸涩走调,并开始越来越变得不透明。
- "In 1987 the retired Coast Guard cutter Duane was deliberately sunk in 120 feet (36.6 meters) of water seven miles (11.3 kilometers) off Key Largo.... 在1987年,从海岸警卫队退役的杜南号快艇被有意的沉没在距离拉哥海岸7英里(11.;3公里)远,120英尺(36
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- But the makeshift boat, with a prow jutting out of the front and a taxi sign on the roof, was intercepted by the U.S.Coast Guard about 32 km off Key West on the southern tip of Florida. 但这艘前方有一块突出于船首、船顶还有计程车标志的临时船只,却在佛罗里达州南端的基威斯特外海三十二公里处,遭美国海岸防卫队拦截。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- He took off his raincoat and took out the key. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行车,一头号栽到地上。
- The singer led off with a popular ballad. 歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。