- Is at least eight times higher than official data. 至少是官方数据的八倍。
- GDP - real growth rate: 9.2% (official data) (2005 est. 国内生产总值(增长率):9.;2%25(官方数据)(2005年统计数据)
- Official data show sales of compact cars dipped in China in 2006 and 2007, when sedan sales rocketed more than 20 percent annually. 官方数字显示2006年与2007年中国小排量汽车的销售量欠佳,而大排量汽车却以每年20%25迅速增长。
- Inflation in Britain fell by more than expected in April to its lowest level in more than a year, official data released today showed. 据今天公布的官方数据显示,英国四月份通货膨胀率超预期降低,至一年多来的最低水平。
- Official data tell us as much about social mores (the extent to which self-killing is concealed) as about what really happens. 官方公布的数据所反映的与其说是真实情况,不如说是印度的社会习俗,在一定程度上正是社会习俗使得官方对自杀秘而不宣。
- The US economy shrank an unrevised 0.5 percent in the third quarter, official data showed.Consumer spending plunged 3.8 percent, the biggest drop since 1980. 官方数据显示,美国经济在第三季度下降0.;5%25,消费水平创下了自1980年以来的最低,为3
- In the latest welter of housing data, some have seen green shoots. Official data show month-on-month price rises for two months in a row, for the first time since 2006. 有些人在最近杂乱无章的房屋数据中看到了复苏的萌芽。官方数据显示,自2006年以来,美国房价首次连续两个月出现环比增长。
- According to Chinese official data, the Fujian Commodities Trade &Investment Fair, which sprawls six exhibition halls of 5,000 sq m each, has attracted about 200,000 visitors each year. 根据官方统计数字,福建商品交易会拥有六个各5000平米的展厅,每年吸引约20万人参观。
- No official data are released over the make-up of its stockpiles, analysts estimate that about 70 per cent is held in dollars with the remainder in euros and to a lesser extent sterling. 有关部门没有提供中国外汇储备构成的官方数据,但分析人士估计,其中约70%25以美元形式持有,其余先是欧元,然后是英镑。
- In the final three months of last year, the survey gave a rosier picture of economic conditions than subsequent official data, which showed eurozone gross domestic product contracting by 1.5 per cent. 在去年最后3个月,这项调查对经济形势的预测要比随后公布的官方数据乐观一些。官方数据显示,欧元区国内生产总值(GDP)收缩了1.;5%25。
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用来暂时存放数据的一种缓冲区。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。
- Here is some catalogue and technical data. 这儿有一些产品目录和技术资料。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。
- Having enough data in hand, we can set to work. 手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了。
- They are the official school outfitters. 他们是指定的校服供应商。
- I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。