- peaceable and quiet possession [法] 继续和平地占有
- All I want is some peace and quiet. 我所需要的就是一点安宁和清静。
- He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet. 他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。
- He has lived a peaceable and honest life. 他安分守己,老老实实地生活着。
- I will work better if I had a bit of peace and quiet. 要是再静一些我就能工作得更好了。
- Hares and Rabbits - One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life. 野兔-钟爱深居简出式生活的人。
- The patient needs peace and quiet. 病人需要安静。
- He was lost in the deep and quiet forest. 他迷失在这幽深的山林里。
- Asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet. 除平安和平静外一无所求
- He was always tractable and quiet. 他总是温顺、恬静。
- The crowd was orderly and quiet. 人群很有秩序,也很安静。
- I'd like something plain and quiet. 我想要朴素而文静的。
- You must instantly be obedient, still, and quiet. 你必须立即服从,不能动,不能出声。
- I go to the library for a little peace and quiet. 我到图书馆去清静一下。
- I have a headache, so I need peace and quiet. 我头痛,所以我需要安宁和平静。
- I would work better if I had some peace and quiet. 四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。
- He's a peaceable and placid person and likes to lead a peaceful life. 他是一个温和的人,喜欢过宁静的生活。
- Fourthly, they have seen fit to rely, in case of necessity, or high expediency, on their known and admitted power to alter or amend the constitution, peaceably and quietly, whenever experience shall point out defects or imperfections. 第四,任何时候,当经验指出宪法中的缺点和不完善之处时,在必要情况下,或利害攸关时,他们会依靠他们所知道的并认为是有效的权力和平而平静地去改变或修正宪法,如果他们认为这样做是合适的话。
- This shadowy path is cool and quiet. 这条多阴的小道凉爽而幽静。
- Honk if you love peace and quiet. 如果你热爱和平宁静,就按喇叭示意吧。