- Power supply enterprises are forbidden to charge power users on others'behalf. 禁止供电企业在收取电费时,代收其他费用。
- A useful attempt is made in this thesis to digitalize the production and operation of power supply enterprises. 为供电企业实现生产、运行数字化进行了有益尝试。
- The plan and design of MIS about a power supply enterprise. 一个供电企业MIS的总体规划设计
- Power supply enterprises are entitled to stop anyone from endangering the safety of power supply and utilization or disturbing the order of power supply and utilization. 对危害供电、用电安全和扰乱供电、用电秩序的,供电企业有权制止。
- Compared with spares management of traditional large power supply enterprises,the spares management of areal small and medium hydropower enterprises is faced with many problems. 区域性中小型水力发电企业与传统的大型发供电企业相比,其电力备品配件管理面临诸多新的问题。
- Power supply enterprises shall, at their business places, publicize the procedures, rules and the charge standard on electricity utilization, and shall provide any other relevant information the users must know. 供电企业应当在其营业场所公告用电的程序、度和收费标准,并提供用户须知资料。
- In case that a user has special requirement on electricity quality power, supply enterprises shall supply corresponding electric power according to its necessity and the possibility of the power network. 用户对供电质量有特殊要求的,供电企业应当根据其必要性和电网的可能,提供相应的电力。
- Forecasting the requirements of electricity in rural area is an important work for county electric power supply enterprises with obviously random fluctuation, closely related to Gross National Product and the requirements of electricity last year. 摘要农村用电量预测是县级供电部门的重要工作之一,其受国民生产总值和上年度用电量的影响,具有一定的随机性。
- Simulation tests were carried out with evaluation data given by experts from power supply enterprises in Baoding taken as training samples for BP neural network,and the results are good. 以保定市各县供电企业专家评价数据作为BP神经网络的训练样本,进行仿真试验,得到了满意的结果。
- A technique scheme is put forward andanalyzed.Finaly, the scheme is evaluated hazily.And some good experiences ofdomestic power supply enterprises that have carried out CRM are summarized. 最后,对本文提出的方案进行了模糊(定性)评价,并对目前国内实施CRM的一些省市供电企业的实施过程和成功经验作了实证性研究。
- As the first professional CSI survey in on electric power supply enterprises .Da Tong, Shanxi, a CSI survey for this dissertation was undertaken.The CSI score, 73.5485, is found through data analysis. 本文结合上述供电企业顾客满意度测评体系;对大同地区的电力客户进行了满意度的调查和数据分析;得出了该地区顾客满意度为73.;5485。
- The application of ATM technology in power supply enterprises is introduced based on the illustration of ATM network technology with the example of lacal city network construction of WEPSB. 文章在论述ATM网络技术的基础上,以武汉供电局企业城域网络的建设为实例,介绍ATM技术在供电企业的应用情况。
- China has become a food-grade and pharmaceutical-grade peptone large-scale production and supply enterprises. 现已成为中国食品级和医药级蛋白胨大型生产供应企业。
- Article 6 Electricity supply enterprises and users shall sign electricity supply and demand contracts on the basis of equality, voluntariness and negotiation. 第六条 供电企业和用户应当根据平等自愿、协商一致的原则签订供用电合同。
- The marketing consciousness of the power supply enterprise revives gradually under the multiple pressures of pluralism, electric system reform and market demand pluralism. 供电企业的营销意识在市场供应过剩、市场需求日趋多元化和电力体制改革的多重压力下逐渐苏醒。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- METHODS:Practical problems existed in the GSP authentication of drug supply enterprises in Shannxi province were analyzed by the on the spot research method. 方法:采用实地调研的方法分析陕西省药品经营企业在GSP认证过程中存在的实际问题。
- A general structure of MIS for electricity power supply enterprise is proposed, This structure have good stability, adaptability, scalability and opening. 该文提出一种适合大中型供电企业管理信息系统的总体结构。此结构具有良好的稳定性、适应性、扩充性和开放性。
- The paper starts from the development trend of power supply enterprise marketing modern management to the importance and function demand of GIS visual application system. 摘要从供电企业营销现代化管理的发展趋势出发,阐述台区GIS可视化应用系统建设的必要性和功能需求。
- Along with the uses of electricity network to inflate suddenly,cause the power supply enterprise to use electricity the network management duty to intensify day by day. 随着国家用电网络急剧膨胀,使得供电企业对用电网络的管理任务日益加重。