- Power relations and its inherent oppression have also been democratized. 权力关系及其所固有的压制性也已被民主化。
- These tools and weapons reflect power relations through their appropriation of advanced techniques and rare materials. 这些器具通过占有最高超的技术和珍贵的材料,体现出权力的力量。
- Due to the mechanism of capitalist market, the profit-driven women-focused websites are hegemonic in power relations. 受到市场机制的左右,营利属性的女性网站较占优势,其不但物化女性形象,也将性别议题纳入商业体系之内。
- Through our study, we find that biblical language is one that typically reflects power relations and conveys God's love for people. 通过分析我们发现圣经语言是典型的反映权势关系的语言,但同时也是传达上帝普爱、仁爱和博爱的语言。
- Rhetoric not only persuades and constructs reality but also structures power relations and situates some people and groups as marginal. 请针对上述三种沟通的功能,各举出一个代表性的理论,并阐述其主要论点。(各个理论10分,本题共30分。
- Michel Foucault and Henri Lefebvre found the essentiality of space and the power relations incarnated in the process of space production. 福柯和列斐伏尔发现了空间的重要性以及在空间和空间的生产中蕴含的权力关系。
- From this we can see that geography and ethnic composition were two important factors in the power relations of Xingcheng and Guanzhong. 可知地理与民族属性是杏城与关中政权互动关系的两项重要因素。
- The critical framework of questions furnishes approaches for people to reveal questions and power relations in dialogues. 所确立的对问句的批评性分析框架向人们提供了用于揭示会话中问句与权势关系的手段。
- First, he reviewed previous theorization on power and made an in-depth analysis of major power relations in translation. 为论证该假设,作者首先回顾了关于权力的理论论述,进而深入分析了翻译中包含的主要权力关系。
- Firstly, the PRC can easily operate "Shanghai Five" because of the characteristics of incrementalism, bilateralism, and major power relations that "Shanghai Five" implies. 原因之一是上海五国安全合作具有渐进主义、大国关系、以及双边合作性质,利于中共运作;
- Nation-state theory sees power relations only between different state actors, and excludes a global economy, or subjugates it to the nation-state model. 民族国家理论仅仅从政府间的角度考量权力关系,无视经济全球化,或者削足适履地将全球经济关系放进固有的理论框架中。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- From the medieval translation of Buddhist sutras, we can explore the influence exerted on both cultures by contextual differences, the dynamic functions played by both Chinese and foreigners, and the power relations in the transcultural exchanges. 摘要从中古佛经传译入手,可以探讨语境差异对两种文化交流的影响,中外人士在传译中的能动作用,以及跨文化交流中的权力关系等问题。
- As shown by historians of eighteenth-century England, such history can greatly illuminate the power relations in early urban America and how power and the representation thereof functioned in a public setting. 就如英国十八世纪史学家显示,这样的历史可以很强烈地阐明早期美国市区的权势关系以及权势和它的表现如何在公共场合中运作。
- This course introduces fundamental concepts of Sociolinguistics and studies how lingustic behaviors are affected by social factors such as status, ethnicity, gendre, power relations, etc. 介绍社会语言学有关之基本概念,如语言如何因为地域、社会阶级、族群、性别之不同而有所变化等。针对本系女生较多,对于女性的社会语言特别加重研究。
- The law reflects the interpersonal power relation, and the propriety embodies the cooperative one. “法”体现的是人与人之间的权力关系,“礼”体现的是人与人之间的合作关系。
- It is also elaborated that two factors lead to the subtle change of questions and power relations, that is, the transformation of social status between participants and a tendency towards informality. 同时本论文也阐述了参与者间社会地位的变化和非正式化的趋势是导致互文会话中问句与权势关系变化的两个因素。
- The so-called “stratum-relationship” means the social stratum and social relationship and power relation and jural relation of an organization. 所谓“层缘”是指一个组织所处的社会层以及所面对的社会关系、权力关系和权利义务关系。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- Bossler,Beverly J. “Eulogy Rhetoric from the Tang to the Sung”, Powerful Relations:Family and Society in Sung China, 960-1279, Harvard University Press, 1998. 讨论与小结:社会变迁与女性生活,女性在特定历史时期、特定社会秩序格局中的位置。