- Skopos theory holds that the key principle translation should follow is the purpose of translation, that is, the end justifies the means. 摘要翻译目的论认为,所有翻译遵循的首要法则就是整个翻译行为的目的,即目的决定方法。
- The skopos theory mainly represented by Vermeer focuses on the purpose of translation as the most decisive factor in translation action and mis purpose is governed by ideology. 以弗尔为代表的目的论,将翻译看作一个有目的的行为,受意识形态的影响。
- This thesis is a tentative study of intention equivalence in translation from the perspective of adaptation theory of pragmatics for the purpose of investigating a way out of the dilemma of translation. 本文从语用学适应论的角度研究翻译中的各种意图的对等,以找出一种走出翻译困境的方法。
- Translation is an inter-lingual activity which involves many factors: language, culture, the translator, the purpose of translation, and so on. 翻译是一种语际活动,涉及到语言、文化、译者和翻译目等许多因素。
- Do you know the purpose of this urn? 你知道这个瓮的用途吗?
- The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals. 陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的。
- In translating activity, the purpose of translation has a direct bearing on the translator's choice of translated texts and strategies. 摘要在翻译活动中,翻译目的直接影响着译者对翻译文本和翻译策略的选择。
- What is the purpose of his visit? 他来访的目的是什么?
- His purpose of learning is to be a doctor. 他学习的目的是想当医生。
- What is the purpose of our being? 我们生存的目的是什么?
- Such talent of translation is seldom displayed. 这样的翻译才能是罕见的。
- In a preceding chapter,instructions were given for the creation of PLANS for the purpose of translating DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. 前面已经说过,为达成化渴望为对等财物的目标,该如何草拟计划。
- The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise. 为了做练习,老师把我们分成一对一对。
- These factors are the following, (1) the setting, (2) the source text, (3) the purpose of translation of the initiator, or the commissioner, (4) the experience and motivation of the translator, (5) the readership, and (6) the medium. 在这些语用因素分别是:(1) 语用背景,(2) 源文文本,(3) 翻译目的,(4) 翻译动机,(5) 译文读者,(6) 媒体。
- In a preceding chapter, instructions were given for the creation of PLANS for the purpose of translating DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. 前 面已经说过,为达成化渴望为对等财物的目标,该如何草拟计划。
- I continued at the work of translation. 我继续做翻译工作。
- He said that the purpose of the meeting was to air our views. 他说开这个会议的目的是让我们发表看法。
- Correctly grasping it is the key of translation. 正确把握其文化内涵是翻译的关键。
- The purpose of the programme is primarily educational. 演出该节目的主要目的是为了进行教育。
- The purpose of the foreign minister to visit Australia has taken vent. 外交部长访问澳大利亚的目的已经泄漏。