- pushouts morphism 推出态射
- Result (Sign.Sign, Map.Map Int Morphism. 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听-> Result.
- Two new concepts, named morphism attribute and morphism event were proposed. 提出了同态属性和同态交互的概念;
- Different allels mey be acquired within the invented segment after the inversion poly morphism is established. 在倒位多形性形成后,在倒位的区段内可能获得不同的等位基因。
- In this paper, we investigate the Drazin inverse of a morphism in additive category. 本文研究了加法范畴上态射的 Drazin逆 .
- Atthesame time, allkinds of enterprises pushout the big flag of brandsin succession, challenging the internationa lstrong brands. 一时之间,各路诸侯纷纷打起了品牌的大旗,大有一番向国外强势品牌叫板的势头。
- The weighted minus ordering and the weighted star ordering are both new partial ordering in morphism set. 加权减序和加权星序都是态射集中的新的偏序。
- This paper defines homology monomorphism, homology epimorphism, homology regular morphism in the category of topological spaces with point by using homology functor. 摘要利用同调函子,在点标拓扑空间范畴中定义了同调单态、同调满态、同调正则态射等概念。
- It also discusses some properties of homology regular morphism, and its close relationships to homology monomorphism (epimorphism) and homology equivalence. 给出了同调正则态射的一些性质,以及它与同调单(满)态和同调等价之间的关系。
- Such a definition generalizes to the concept of an identity morphism in category theory, where the endomorphisms of M need not be functions. 此一定义广义化成了于范畴论中恒等态射的概念,其中M的自同态并不必然要是个函数。
- The affection of morphism interaction to simulation result was analyzed and some basic principles to deal with this problem were given. 分析了同态交互对仿真结果的影响,给出了处理同态交互的基本原则。
- Last but not the least, according to the pushouts category , we obtain the theory of triangular commutative diagram and give the necessary condition of the coknernel and coproduct. 最后,证明了两个命题,它们是本文主要结论的基础。第二个部分,给出了推出范畴中的几个重要定理:推出范畴中上核存在的必要条件;三角可换定理;在有上积的范畴的推出范畴中,上积存在的必要条件;
- Abstract: This paper defines homology monomorphism, homology epimorphism, homology regular morphism in the category of topological spaces with point by using homology functor. 文章摘要: 利用同调函子,在点标拓扑空间范畴中定义了同调单态、同调满态、同调正则态射等概念。
- Through three theorems, authors give the numbers of the left-invere elements and right-inverse elements of the elements in a transformation monoid or in a morphism set. 通过3个命题给出集上变换幺半群的元素的左逆和右逆的个数及任意一个映射的左、右逆映射的个数.
- Some characterizations of the weighted star partial orderings of morphism in category are given, and some results on the star partial orderings in previous papers are extended. 摘要给出了具有对合*范畴中态射的加权星型序的一些刻画,推广了以往文献的相应结论。
- The Factors affecting to the quantity and stability of ampicillin are reviewed, mainly including manufacture technology,morphism,water,and storage temperature, ect. 综述了影响氨苄西林质量和稳定性的因素。这些因素主要有:生产工艺、晶型、水分、贮存温度等。
- Methods A total of 96 patients with foreign bodies in the upper digestive tract were treated with extraction under electron gastroscope,pushout via endoscope,or combination of extraction and push-out. 方法对96例消化道异物,采用电子胃镜进行直视下取出、内镜推挤排除或两者结合使用处理异物。
- This paper defines homology monomorphism,homology epimorphism,homology regular morphism in the category of topological spaces with point by using homology functor. 利用同调函子,在点标拓扑空间范畴中定义了同调单态、同调满态、同调正则态射等概念。
- The rocky silicification in fault zone is controlled by various tectono-geochemical agencies:the dynamo-differentiation and chemical affinity,the dynamothermal meta- morphism and diaphthorisis,the oxidation and reduction,the hydrolysis and dewatering. 断裂带岩石的硅化现象是受组成岩石的化学元素的构造地球化学作用所制约的,包括动力分异和化学亲和作用,动热变质作用和退化变质作用,氧化和还原作用以及脱水和水解作用。
- The exon20 (locus 18109T/C) poly- morphism of HMGCR gene is correlated with HBV in- fection, and patients with C/C genotype are more suc- ceptible to become AsCs after HBV infection. Hardy-Weinberg平衡拟合度检验优良;说明所收集人群具有良好的代表性; 其次首次证实HMGCR基因20外显子18109T/C多态性与慢性乙型肝炎有关联存在.