- The most recent trend is age segmentation. 最新的发展趋势是“年龄不再是问题”。
- There occurred a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流。
- The paper introduces development survey and recent trend o. 主要介绍了国内外建筑涂料发展概况、近期发展趋势,提出了我国建筑涂料发展方向。
- A price move in the opposite direction of a recent trend. 于近期的价格变化趋势相反的运动方向。
- Find a convertible securities of the basic clauses and recent trend. 查找一只可转换证券的基本条款和近期走向.
- But this still-healthy annual increase disguises a more worrying recent trend. 这个数字掩盖了令人担忧的趋势,11月份的房价比10月份下降了0.;8%25,是1995年以来最大的单月跌幅。
- There occur a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流
- One represents a disheartening long-term pattern, the other an encouraging recent trend. 一件代表一种令人沮丧的长期模式,另一件则暗示着近期趋势。
- A recent trend in E-Business is the deployment of a variety of web services by product and service vendors to facilitate B2B and B2C E-commerce. 电子商务领域的新趋势是产品和服务的供应商为方便企业对企业(B2B)和企业对顾客(B2C)的电子商务而建立起的网络服务多样性.
- The book provides valuable information on recent trends. 此书就近来的发展趋势提供了宝贵的信息。
- Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa early Mainland real estate investment projects, but the recent trend has accelerated. 长江实业、和记黄埔很早就投资内地的房地产项目,但近来出现加速的趋势。
- The Panel discussed with the Administration on the recent trend of using Interactive Voice Response System technology to send out unsolicited pre-recorded marketing messages. 事务委员会与政府当局讨论近期的趋势,就是有商户使用交互式话音回应系统技术,向收讯人发出未经其许可的预录促销讯息。
- The recent trend in operating system development is adopting microkernel architecture which holds such advantages as microminiaturization,modularity,portability and extendibility. 当今操作系统的发展趋势是采用微内核体系结构。
- A recent trend is the interest in good health, but many fads come from this trend: aerobic exercise, kickboxing, organic vegetables, or special diets like carbohydrate-counting. 一个最近的趋势是对良好健康的兴趣,但是许多流行来自这一个趋势:有氧性的运动,跆拳道,有机的蔬菜或特别的饮食像碳水化合物的计算。
- A recent trend is to develop lubricating oil additives as multifunctional as possible,while these additives based on polymethacrylate have not been widely studied. 开发多功能润滑油添加剂是目前发展的趋势,而基于聚甲基丙烯酸酯的多功能润滑油添加剂国内研究还很少。
- Had the recent trend continued to mimic older interglacial intervals, it would have fallen to a value near 450 ppb during the current minimum in summer heating. 如果现在的趋势与过去间冰期的波动相同,目前夏季的甲烷浓度应该要降到450ppb。
- Greene 等人:The long-standing rationalist tradition in moral psychology emphasizes the role of reason in moral judgment. A more recent trend places increased emphasis on emotion. 方舟子的中文写作:“这个实验结果,对主流哲学家是个打击,他们向来主张道德判断是纯理性的,而现在却必须考虑其中的感情因素。”
- Summarized the recent trend of supply,demand,shipment and freight of the world oil shipping market,it provides some suggestions to the development of China抯 tanker fleet. 总结了近年世界石油海运市场的需求、供给、发到船量与运价的发展趋势,对中国油运船队的发展提出一些看法。
- Nd-Fe-B magnets because of good in wind power and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and other emerging areas of application, the recent trend of strong stock market. 由于看好钕铁硼磁体在风电和混合动力汽车(HEV)等新兴领域的应用前景,近期公司股价走势强于大盘。
- Some technical advances in the application and technology of thermoplastic elastomeric olefins (TPOs) are reviewed,and recent trend of their development is discussed. 评述了聚烯烃热塑性弹性体(TPO)的生产技术及应用进展,并对TPO的最近开发趋势进行了讨论。