- The handle centered on each side moves only that side, while the other sides remain motionless. 位于每条边中心的控制柄只能移动这条边,其他边保持不动。
- The cat remained motionless, waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole. 猫一动不动地等着老鼠出洞。
- Mr Fogg, with folded arms, remained motionless. 福克先生双手交叉着站在那里一动也不动。
- Stall Ruan Ming remained motionless and silent. 阮明还是不动,没有任何的表现。
- Monroe observed that entities in this band appeared to remain motionless and passive, but retained an air of expectancy. 门罗注意到,这个环带里的实体似乎保持静止和消极,但是依然有一种期待的气氛。
- I urged him to rest,but he remained motionless. 我叫他休息,可他仍然不动。
- Today, another beautiful day. There is no noise, and leaves on the trees remain motionless. 今天天气又很好、寂静无声、树木的叶子一动不动.
- Monroe observed that entities in this band appeo red to remain motionless and passive, but retained an air of expectancy. 门罗注意到,这个环带里的实体似乎保持静止和消极,但是依然有一种期待的气氛。
- He moved no more, unless to feed the furnace, but remained motionless as a statue. 除了给炉子加煤,他一动也不动,好像雕像似的静止在那里。
- Stunned for a moment by this vision, I remained motionless. 在不可思议的快慰热情中,我一动不动地站着,忘记世间的一切。
- The cat remained motionless,waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole. 那只猫一动也不动,等老鼠从洞中出来。
- We offered them food and spoke to them kindly,but they remained motionless. 我们给他们食物,并与他们和气地攀谈,但是他们一动也不动。
- She looked at me, leaning back in her chair, and remained motionless and mute. 她望望我,往她的椅背一靠,不动,也不出声。
- She looked at me,leaning back in her chair,and remained motionless and mute. 她望望我,往她的椅背一靠,不动,也不出声。
- The count was alone with Morrel, who remained motionless as a statue. 房间里只剩下伯爵和莫雷尔了,莫雷尔仍象石像似的一动不动。
- We offered them food and spoke to them kindly, but they remained motionless. 我们给他们食物,并与他们和气地攀谈,但是他们一动也不动。
- He moved no more,unless to feed the furnace,but remained motionless as a statue. 除了给炉子加煤,他一动也不动,好像雕像似的静止在那里。
- Every one on board remained motionless for half an hour, when the same luminous track was again observed, and the swimmer was soon on board. 在半个小时内,船上的每一个人都一动不动,当那道发光的水痕又出现时,他用力划了两划就回到了船上。
- He remained motionless on the spot, pressing with his left hand something he had concealed under his coat. 他一动不动地站在老地方,用左手紧按着一件藏在他衣服底下的东西。
- He remained motionless, but gnashing his teeth and wringing his hands with fury. 所以他索性倒在船舱里,怒吼了一声,恨恨地咬着自己的手。