- He has written computer models of rumor spreading and found that your average slob is just as likely as a well-connected person to start a huge new trend. 他编写了关于谣言传播的计算机模型,发现普通人发起的效果和有很多社会关系的人是差不多的。
- Rumor spread the prices would go up, many peopel stampeded into a wave of panic buying. 谣传物价要上涨,很多人卷入了抢购的风潮中。
- When the president suddenly canceled all his appointments for the next three days,he rumor spread like wildfire that he had had a heart attack. 当总统突然取消以后3天的所有活动时,关于他心脏病发作的流言马上传开了。
- The rumors spread throughout the school very soon. 谣言很快就在学校里传开了。
- When the president suddenly canceled all his appointments for the next three days, he rumor spread like wildfire that he had had a heart attack. 当总统突然取消以后3天的所有活动时,关于他心脏病发作的流言马上传开了。
- Yesterday morning, there is a rumor spread in the Pingtan Chengguan to: A girl was living in the bar after 22 Pingtan county hospital. 昨天上午,又有一个传言在平潭城关流传开来:一个女孩被扎后住在平潭县医院22床。
- Only can clear property rights and perfect law environment and unblocked spreading mechanism of information establish good reputation mechanism. ? 产权的明确界定,完善的法治环境和畅通的信息传播机制是建立良好的信誉的必要条件。
- She already felt bad enough about the delay, and now she must feel bad that she revealed LMH saved her.She felt bad enough when the first rumor spread. 金范沉浸在颁奖礼过节似的气氛中,前辈后辈们都会对得奖的同行表示祝贺。
- That was an unanswerable question and, as the weeks went by and the rumor spread that Scarlett was pregnant, the pro-India group nodded with satisfaction. 这是一个无法回答的问题,并且随着时间一个星期又一个星期过去,谣言就漫延开来,说思嘉已经怀孕了,于是支持英迪亚的那群人就满意地点着头,觉得自己完全对了。
- The effect of texture and technological parameters (such as FRT) on the separation in a microalloy controlled rolling steel have bean studied systematically and inquired into formation of the laminated crack and spreading mechanism. 系统地研究了微合金化控轧钢的织构和控轧工艺参数(如终轧温度)对层状撕裂的影响,对层状裂纹的形成与扩展机制进行了探讨。
- The rumor spread rapidly. 那流言很快地被传开了。
- We have also discussed the various uncertainties existed in complex supply chain networks, analyzed the spreading mechanism and controlling method of uncertainties in the supply chain. 同时,对供应链复杂网络中存在的各种不确定性进行了讨论,分析了供应链中不确定性的传播机制与控制方法。
- Basile then on to abandon Romi rumors spread like wildfire. 于是关于巴西莱要弃用罗米的传闻不胫而走。
- Enlightenment from an Earthquake Rumor Spreading 一场地震谣传风波的启示
- the spread mechanism of public relations 公关传播
- Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread. 尽管一再否认,谣言还是不胫而走。
- Rumor has it that the factory burned down. 谣传那家工厂被大火烧毁了。
- However, due to the rumors spreading around at school, the only thing Joong-pil can do is to fight with another bully, Sang-Mahn, to get back his throne as a king there. 然而,因著外间的谣言,俊平必须与校内另一恶霸星文一决高下,挽回他在学校的声誉和地位。
- Periodically, rumors spread through the crowd that a train at long last is arriving. 总有流言在人群中传播:在漫长的等待之后,火车终于来了。
- He was disturbed about the rumor. 他为谣言所困扰。