- saline sugar syrup 盐水糖浆
- A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crisp and brown. 干果糖用干果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸腾的糖浆里搅拌直至发焦变脆而制成的蜜饯
- Add in sugar syrup and continue beating until fluffy. 加入糖浆继续搅打至蓬松。
- Many developers feel EJB is like an extra layer of sugar syrup on a doughnut. 学多开发人员感觉EJB象一个油炸圈饼上多余的一层甜糖浆。
- A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crispand brown. 干果糖用干果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸腾的糖浆里搅拌直至发焦变脆而制成的蜜饯。
- The corn sugar (or sugar syrup)is supplemented with flavoring, coloring, and acidic ingredients and may be stabilized with a preservative. 玉米糖浆中添加了香料、色素和酸性成分,还可使用防腐剂来增强稳定性。
- Gently warm gin, add apricot brandy, sugar syrup, &almond slivers. Chill. Pour. Add vermouth and Kirsch. Stir. 缓缓倒入金酒,加入性子白兰地,甜糖浆,冰过的杏仁力娇酒,加入苦艾和酸樱桃,搅合
- A pile of oat flour.three immature sugar syrup pancake.and half douce of dry plum. 一堆燕麦粉.;三个未熟的克茹糖浆馅煎饼和半打干梅子
- High ionil clarificant G409 has good results on color removal andcalcium reduction in sugar syrup. 高离子澄清剂G409对糖浆有良好的脱色和除钙的效果。
- Sugar syrup should be used instead of apple favoured if you use fruit favoured tea, peach or mango, for the above drink. 心得如用果味茶包,如桃或芒果等,则可用白糖水代替果味糖水。
- Muddle the Banana in the shaker with the Sugar Syrup and Vanilla ice cream. Add the rum and Coconut Milk. Shake and pour over crushed ice. 混合香蕉及糖浆及香草冰淇淋,入兰姆及椰奶,混合后加碎冰服务。
- With the development of beer industry, great attention has been paid to the brewer's sugar syrup and it has a bright application future. 随着啤酒工业的发展,啤酒专用糖浆在国内逐渐受到重视,具有广阔的开发应用前景。
- Find out how to make the ideal meringue, why sugar is the perfect preservative and what transforms sugar syrup into a golden honeycomb. 另外,糖浆是如何从糖中提炼而成?甜的食物是怎样满足你的牙齿?
- This paper mainly discuss the characteristic、process and present researching of brewer's sugar syrup domestic and oversea, expound it's prospect in the future. 本文着重介绍了国内外啤酒酿造用糖浆的特点、生产工艺、研究与应用等方面的情况,并对其前景作一展望。
- Muddle the raspberries in the shaker, add the vodka, lime juice and sugar syrup, shake with ice, double-strain into an ice-filled glass and top up with ginger beer. 在摇合器里捣糊覆盆子,加入伏特加,莱姆汁河甜糖浆,加冰摇合重复滤入加满碎冰的杯子,最后注入适量干姜啤酒
- In a saucepan or a mixing bowl, pour together the milk, inverted sugar syrup and corn oil.Set the bowl over a bain-marie and beat until the mixture is emulsified. 牛奶,转化糖浆和玉米油放入个大小合适的锅里,座热水打至油水混合且完全乳化。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Dude, sweet as sugar syrup. 兄弟,很甜蜜啊。
- strips of citrus peel cooked in a sugar syrup. 条形的柑桔皮在糖浆里煮。
- A plant that grows in saline soil. 盐生植物一种生长在盐分土壤上的植物