The two boys entered school at the same time; one was diligent and fond of study, and he soon shot ahead of the other. 这两个男孩同时上学; 一个很用功并且喜欢读书,结果他很快便超过了另一个。
As they slowed down for the turn, a grey car shot ahead of them. 当他们放慢车速拐弯时,一辆灰色的汽车飞也似地超到他们前面去了。
The athlete changed gear (ie suddenly accelerated) and shot ahead of the others. 该运动员突然加速,冲到别人前面去了。
The runner shot ahead (of the rest). 那个赛跑的人向前飞奔而去(把其他人抛在後面).