- 用语syntax
- 习惯用语idiom
- 无线报务telegraph
- silence period (报务用语)静默时间
- 长治市气象台报务转发系统Report Retransmit System of Changzhi Meteorological Observatory
- 组装报务台天线安装检查和绝缘测量。Inspection installation for antenna of radio console and measuring its insulation resistance.
- Period-doubling链Period-doubling chain
- 法律用语law term
- safe period (避孕)安全期
- 公司将持之以恒,依靠精湛技术杰出为广大客户提供更多、更优报务。The company will continually provide more perfect service to customers depending on its consummate skill.
- (=period) 期间,时期,时代pd.
- 常用语common-use words
- selling period (证券)销售期间
- 刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(附图)只需轻装备(00瓦特及偶极子天线)意志耐力便能达至目标。Just received JARL's JCC600( All CW)%2317 certificate( see attaching picture). A small gun( barefoot and wire dipole) together with persistence do achieve the goal.
- draw period (地下水的)抽降期
- 主要责任是回复如下问题:订单询价,邮寄报务的办理,客户反溃的意见,付款程序,发货状态等问题。Be mainly responsible for replying questions such as: order inquiry, post-sales service issues, customer suggestions an criticism, payment processing, delivery status and so on;
- 许多外国用语不容易译成英语。Many foreign expressions do not translate well into English.
- deenergized period (继电器的)释放期间
- (=period of unconsciousness) 无意识期per. unc.
- 网络用语cyberspeak