- This is the inevitable result of the development of social contradictions and deepening struggle of the people in the modern times of China. 这是近代中国社会矛盾发展和人民斗争深入的必然结果。
- The remission institution mitigated the social contradictions of Song Dynasty and caused great harm at the same time. 赦宥在缓和两宋社会矛盾的同时,也带来了巨大的危害。
- Social public security question is the comprehensive reflection of many social contradictions and negative factors. 摘要社会治安问题是诸多社会矛盾和消极因素的综合反映。
- Shaw held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. 萧主张艺术应该为社会服务,应该反映人的生活与社会矛盾并教育广大人民。
- Breaking down the equalitarianism "big pot", but the income gap between rich and poor appeared and triggered a series of social contradictions and problems. 改革破除了平均主义“大锅饭”,却出现收入的贫富差距,并引发出一系列社会矛盾与问题。
- Thus social contradictions and benefits clash can be solved by way of forming relative balanced benefits allotment structure, the reasonable soci... 通过形成相对均衡的利益分配格局,合理的社会成员构成结构,构建符合社会和谐需要的利益表达机制,来解决社会矛盾和协调利益冲突。
- The frequent occurrences of natural disasters, famines and poverty aggravated all kinds of social contradictions in modem China. 摘要近代中国自然灾害频发,灾荒与贫困加剧了各种社会矛盾。
- The mass incident is one of the present social contradictions in our country,and it's an exclusive reflect of social disharmony. 群体性事件是当前我国的社会矛盾之一,是社会不和谐的特有反映。
- The dance has happened in the conflict, precisely a true reflection of the end of the 17th century, the United Kingdom in the early 16's social contradictions. 剧中所发生的种种冲突,恰恰真实地反映了16世纪末17世纪初英国的社会矛盾。
- This has to do with the social contradictions that occur in times of social transition and also reflects that the citizens have become more legally conscious. 其出现的原因,与社会转型期必然出现的社会矛盾有关,也反映了公民法律意识的觉醒和法治观念的增强。
- As the actual participants in economic activities and major provoker of social contradictions, human has all along been holding the central status in nature, society and economy. 人作为经济活动的实际参与者与社会矛盾的主要挑起者,一直处于自然、社会、经济的中枢地位。
- The focuses on each stage focuses reflect main social contradictions in its stage, so liberal thought in each stage has different content and characteristics. 每个阶段关注的重点都反映了该阶段的主要社会矛盾,因此每个阶段的自由主义思想都有不同的内容和特点。
- They must correctly understand and handle various social contradictions,know how to balance the relations among different interests,overcome difficulties and go on improving their ability of coping with complicated situations. 必须正确认识和处理各种社会矛盾,善于协调不同利益关系和克服各种困难,不断提高应对复杂局面的能力;
- They must correctly understand and handle various social contradictions, know how to balance the relations among different interests, overcome difficulties and go on improving their ability of coping with complicated situations. 必须正确认识和处理各种社会矛盾,善于协调不同利益关系和克服各种困难,不断提高应对复杂局面的能力;
- For example, shortly minority concentrated wealth, the financial risks to domestic banks on the rapid social contradictions between different sectors of the conflict incandescence. 如,财富在短期内向少数人集中,金融风险迅速向国内银行集中,社会不同阶层矛盾对立与冲突白炽化等。
- In the social background of the decayed politics and with the one-husband-and-several-wife system in the Heian Era, some social contradictions converged upon the aristocratic female. 在平安时期摄关白、一夫多妻的社会背景下,日本贵族女性集中了多重社会矛盾,她们不仅成为男性政治斗争的工具,还要承受男性的性压迫。
- The Russo-Japanese War, Japan has burst the pus blisters capitalist society, so that the social contradictions of capitalism have been exposed to it aspired Zhang Taiyan front of us. 而日俄战争又戳破了日本资本主义社会的脓疤,使资本主义社会矛盾暴露在曾经向往过它的章太炎的面前。
- The forces of social contradictions function through people exerting their subjective initiative while this force comes from the combination of people's practical activities and their wisdom and need. 社会矛盾推动人类社会不断发展的动力作用是通过作为社会主体的人发挥其能动作用来实现的,而人的能动作用则是依靠人的实践活动与人的智慧、需要相结合来实现的。
- If it expands indulgently,it will block the continuable development of local government,increase the gap between city and rural area and bring about all kinds of social contradictions. 任其蔓延与发展,必将严重制约地方经济的可持续发展,加剧城乡经济社会发展差距,诱发各种社会矛盾。
- There is sepecifical sciety background of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle ,which shows that ecomomic development status in sixty and seventy and intensification of social contradictions in Ameica. 德沃金法律原则理论的产生有其特定的社会背景即美国六七十年代的经济发展状况和社会矛盾的激化;