- It is suggested that statistics for sport industry should carr... 建议尽快开展体育产业统计工作等。
- The inspirations got from the development of college sport industry in the U.S. 美国高校体育产业发展的启示。
- This stud aims to provide decision-makers of the sport industry w... 研究目的是为决策者提供相应的理论参考和建议。
- To enhance the self quality of the sports industry. 提高体育产业组织的素质。
- In the past ten years, sport gambling developed quickly and played a more and more important role in sports industry. 摘要在过去的十年中,我国体育博彩业获得快速发展,并在体育产业中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Who will run the show of China's sports industry: OEM or local brands? 您认为中国体育用品行业发展的出路是什么?是OEM还是自主品牌?
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。
- Abstract: By the method of literature summary and combining the pra ctice of marketing,the author expounds the theoretical problems,such as,the conn o tation and extension of sports products,and the conception of sports industries. 文摘:采用文献综述研究方法,并与市场营销的实践紧密结合,论述了运动产品的内涵与外延;运动生产的定义;运动产业概念的界定等理论问题。
- This sport jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。
- The entire sports industry enjoyed exponential growth when he was the superstar in NBA. 整个运动业在他是NBA的超级明星时经历着指数式的增长。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- My brother wants to buy a sport jacket. 我弟弟想买一件运动衫。
- The sport of gymnastics is popular in our country. 体操运动在我国很流行。
- Football is our most popular spectator sport. 足球是最受我们欢迎、最能吸引观众的一项运动。
- Wang Ping: It seems that sports clubs have made important ef-fects on sports industrialization. 王平: 看来,体育俱乐部对体育产业化的作用是很大的。
- Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗?
- Promote the sports industry with the development of the sports leisure industry at the core. 以体育休闲业的发展为龙头,带动体育的产业化。
- Volleyball is my favorite sport. 排球是我最喜欢的运动。