- the year end level 遗传程序设计
- Most of the year end gift I receive is spice. 我收到的年礼大部分是调味品。
- Most of the year end gift I receive are spice. 我收到的年礼大部分是调味品。
- The Telecom Industry at the Year End? 年节将至,通信圈里都在忙什么?
- The only time he work hard is at the year end cleaning. 他唯一努力工作是在年终大扫除的时候。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一笔退回的税款。
- At the year end, I calculated statistics for the money distributed throughout the year. 年底时,我将全年所发的钱数做了一个统计。
- The decision to commence the project is made by a general resolution of the board of directors with determination to complete it before the year end. 开始这项目是董事局经过决议的决定并决心要在年底前完成。
- World Trade Organizationmember by the year end, "will make favourable conditions for the investment and business environment. 世界贸易组织成员的年终"的有利条件,使投资和经营环境"
- He has worked off a large bank loan by the end of the year. 年底时,他已经还清了一大笔银行贷款。
- Beijing office head Bennett Chiu retired from the agency at the year end, and national ECD Eddie Wong left to chase personal interests. 北京办公室首脑招炳燊退休,中国区执行创意总监黄国雄自立门户。
- Minister Chang from ROC Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission visited CCBA and attended the year end ceremony of New York Chinese School. 中华民国侨务委员长张富美拜会中华公所,并参加华侨学校结业典礼。侨社盛大欢迎张委员长光临。
- The company has managed to stay in the black for the year ending December 31. 到12月31号为止的这一年里,公司努力保持着赢利状态。
- The year ended 31st March, 2002 was a challenging one for the Group. 截至二零零二年三月三十一日,本集团面临重重挑战。
- I fancy the car he uses was made in the year one. 我想他用的汽车是很久以前制造的。
- Despite the crisis, the year ended with many successes in the district. 尽管是危机,于该年度结束时这个地区有许多建树。
- It was named the best documentary of the year. 它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。
- Revlon, Inc. posted favorable results for the year ended Dec. 31, 2008. 露华浓公司公布良好业绩,今年截至12月31日, 2008年。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。