- Independent directors shall solicit votes from the holders of tradable shares for the vote on the Separation reform plan. 三)独立董事应当向流通股股东就表决股权分置改革方案征集投票权。
- We argue that SSS arises premium effects of tradable shares and makes Chinese IPO ini-tial u... 相关模型显示,股权分置问题的逐步解决,将有利于降低我国上市公司的IPO抑价率,从而提高我国股票市场的资源配置效率。
- Due consideration should be given to the bearing capacity of holders of tradable shares, thus reducing the cost of reform. 对价设置应考虑流通股股东心理承受能力,从而降低股改相关成本。
- We'd like to allow you to trade shares in your corporations or even auction them off. 我们想让你能够在你的公司内交易股票,甚至拍卖他们。
- Mobile-telephone users (that is, almost every adult city-dweller) can subscribe to stockmarket alerts and trade shares simply by pressing buttons on their handsets. 移动电话用户(即几乎所有的成年城市居民)只要按一下按钮就能在手机上订购股市警报或进行股票交易。
- The company is seeking a stock exchange listing(= for trading shares). 这家公司正在争取上市。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book. 我的同桌想用他的钢笔换我这本书。
- Mr Xing trades shares on a laptop in his dormitory plugged in to a broadband internet connection. 邢先生在宿舍里把便携式电脑接上宽带因特网连接,然后在上面进行股票交易。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The trade is clogged with restrictions. 贸易因诸多限制而受阻。
- He is in the secondhand car trade. 他是从事二手车买卖的。
- Mother plays mahjong, father trades shares, grandma practises Qigong, grandpa palys Chines. “妈妈打麻将,爸爸炒股票,奶奶练气功,爷爷马后炮”的英文翻译
- Classification of tradable and non- tradable shares 股权分置
- Mother plays mahjong, father trades shares, grandma practises Qigong, grandpa palys Chinese Chess. 问题:“妈妈打麻将,爸爸炒股票,奶奶练气功,爷爷马后炮”的英文翻译
- There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. 我们的出口贸易量已有些减少。
- The publicly traded shares, providing the other half of Porsche's capital, have no right to vote. 公开上市交易的股票,提供了另一半的保时捷的资本,也没有表决权。
- The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的关税制对开展贸易极为不利。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。