- ttiickness of overlying strata 上覆地层有效厚度
- Finally the existence of key layer of overlying strata is proved with practical example. 最后,用实例证明了覆岩关键层的存在及对地表下沉的影响。
- It is also shown that digital speckle correlation method has higher accuracy, and richens the research method of overlying strata movement. 数据分析还表明,数字散斑相关方法具有较高的精度,这一新的研究方法引入,丰富了上覆岩层活动规律的研究手段。
- By the analogy simulation tests on Xingtai mine, the failure characteristics of overlying strata and its displacement regularity are studied. 笔者是通过相似模拟试验对邢台矿的煤层上覆岩层破坏特征及其位移变化规律和顶板的应力变化规律进行了研究。
- Because overlying Strata upon shallow coal seam is thin, movement and stress behaviors of overlying Strata all bear particularity during mining. 浅埋煤层由于上覆岩层较薄,在回采过程中,上覆岩层的移动及矿山压力的显现,均具有特殊性。
- According to simulation results, along with working face being advanced, the failure processes and features, and weighting of overlying strata, were analyzed. 并根据模拟结果,分析了随着工作面采动和推进,上覆岩层的破断过程、特征与来压特点。
- This paper introduces the relationship between spatial structure of overlying strata and mining pressure field in longwall face revealed by microseismic monitoring techniques. 介绍了用微地震定位监测技术揭示的采场覆岩空间破裂与采动应力场的关系。
- Using the laboratorial Stacked-block modeling technique, this paper aims at investigating the conditions that arc liable to incur disequilibrium and instability of broken layers of overlying strata in longwall mining ares. 本文主要在实验室,用砌块模型的方法对采场上覆坚硬岩层已破断岩块的平衡及失稳条件进行了研究。
- Surface collapse of coal field is one kind of geological disaster with great hazard, which may result from distortion and breakout of overlying strata that lose their support after underground coal beds are excavated in a large area. 摘要采煤区地面塌陷是由于地下煤层大面积采空引起上覆岩层失去支撑而变形崩落最后导致地面沉降一种危害很大的地质灾害。
- Stress shell, which bears and pass load of overlying strata, is primary supporting body.The stress in skewback of stress shell forms abutment pressure of surrounding rock in vicinity of working face. 应力壳承但并传递上覆岩体荷载和压力,是最主要的承载体,应力壳拱脚处应力形成采场四周围岩支承压力。
- According to the field investigation at Dayang coal mine, the paper describes behavior of ground pressure of longwall top coal caving face with soft surrounding rock and movement of overlying strata. 本文通过大雁二矿28%23层采面矿山压力的实测分析,论述了软岩矿井大采放比综放开采矿压显现特征和围岩活动规律。
- Thus, the movement state of overlying strata must be taken into account to the bolted reinforcement design of rise entry affected by mining action as well as the size design of remained pillar. 因此,上山锚杆支护设计和煤柱尺寸的留设必须充分考虑上覆岩层的运动状态。
- QIAN Ming-gao, MIAO Xie-xing.Theoretical analysis on the structural form and stability of overlying strata in longwall mining[J].Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 1995, 14(2): 97-106. [5]钱鸣高; 缪协兴.;采场上覆岩层结构的形态与受力分析[J]
- movement of overlying strata absciss layer 覆岩离层运动
- spatial structure of overlying strata 岩层空间结构
- Caving process of overlying strata 顶板崩落过程
- The overlying strata movement is a complicated dynamic process. 摘要矿山开采引起上覆岩层的移动是一个复杂的动态过程。
- Visual Study on the Movement Scope of Overlying Strata and the Control of Roof Failure in Stope 采场上覆岩层运动范围与顶板事故可视化研究
- Observation study on developing characteristics of overlying strata failure zones of inclined coal seam in deep mine 深井倾斜煤层覆岩破坏分带探测研究
- Regulars and characteristics of overlying strata in mining efflorescent oxygenized belts's coal seams 风氧化带内煤层开采覆岩移动破坏规律研究