- A set of microthermal sensor was installed on a 32 meters high tower, it was used to get the turbulence profile together with a Doppler sodar. 一种方法用安置在测量铁塔上的温度脉动仪以及多普勒声雷达测量了大气边界层下部折射率结构常数廓线,用以计算有限高度球面波斜程大气相干长度;
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- Experimental study of obtaining atmospheric coherent length from turbulence profile 利用湍流廓线获得斜程大气相干长度的实验研究
- In profile she is very like her mother. 由侧面看她很像她母亲。
- She sat observing his face in profile. 她坐着从侧面观察他的脸。
- I turned my head and saw the profile of a man. 我转过头,看见了一个人的侧影。
- We experienced some slight turbulence flying over the Atlantic. 我们飞越大西洋时,遇到一点不稳定的气流。
- Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence. 她突然之间被晴空乱流吓死了。
- turbulence profile 湍流强度廓线
- My boss asked me to write a profile for the new tennis champion. 我上司让我给这位新网球冠军写篇小传。
- The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry. 英国广播公司正在报道英国核工业概况。
- Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past. 不到影响你活动的麻烦事过去,你不要抛头露面。
- The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps. 英国邮票上有女王的侧面头像。
- The turbulence caused the plane to turn over. 空气的激流导致飞机翻转。
- Turbulence or gusts produce velocity fluctuations. 紊乱性或阵息性使速度产生波动。
- Japan today simply stands too tall and too rich to maintain a low profile. 日本现在太醒目,太富裕了,很难再不引人注意了。
- The energy losses are due to turbulence. 能量损失起因于紊流。
- The world advances amidst turbulence. 世界在动荡中前进。
- Violent, uncontrolled action;turbulence. 骚乱狂暴、不加控制的行动;混乱
- The airplane shuddered in the turBulence. 飞机在湍流中震颤