- For You make them turn their back; You aim with Your bowstrings at their faces. 12你必使他们转背逃跑;你对准他们的脸,搭箭在弦。
- Yet your lord father's bannermen turn their back on me, save the Karstarks. 除了卡史塔克,你父亲大人的封臣统统对我掉头不顾。
- They will turn their backs upon him. 他们会厌弃他。
- Both whole communities and individuals turn their back on some pitfall and hurry off to land in another, rather deeper. 无论是社会,还是个人,往往逃离了某个陷阱,却又匆匆地跳进了另一个更深的陷阱。
- As Yahoo competes more and more with its partners, they may turn their back on Yahoo. 当雅虎与它的合作伙伴们竞争得越来越多的时候,他们将背弃雅虎(与其为敌)。
- For You will make them turn their back; You will aim with Your bowstrings at their faces. 诗21:12你必使他们转背逃跑、向他们的脸搭箭在弦。
- You also made my enemies turn their back to me, And I annihilated those who hated me. 40你又使我的仇敌在我面前转背逃跑,我就歼灭那恨我的人。
- "It would be better to have regulations allowing GMOs as there is no way the farmers are going to turn their back on them," said Rodrigues. 目前农场主们已开始对政府产生抵触情绪。在别无选择的情况下,条例最好还是允许使用转基因大豆",罗觉果斯说。
- When work achievements are no longer the be all and end all of life,getting married and having children may perhaps become a desire that they will not turn their back on again. 当事业成就再也满足不了我们对人生的追求时,结婚生子就可能成为一种义无反顾的需要了。
- When work achievements are no longer the be all and end all of life, getting married and having children may perhaps become a desire that they will not turn their back on again. 当事业成就再也满足不了我们对人生的追求时,结婚生子就可能成为一种义无反顾的需要了。
- For you will make them turn their backs when you aim at them with drawn bow. 你必使他们转背逃跑,向他们的脸搭箭在弦。
- People politely turn their backs to each other when they are eating. 在波利尼西亚,当人们一起吃饭时,什么是有礼貌的举止?
- You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes. 你又使我的仇敌在我面前转背逃跑,叫我能以剪除那恨我的人。
- The couple of temples were maintained and visited from time to time. But basically they just turned their back on it. 一些庙宇还得到维护并不时有人来看一看,但基本上皇室已经废弃了吴哥。
- Westerners, in developing a sense of self-hood and independence, are taught fairly early to turn their backs on this phase of life. 在培养个性和独立的意识中,西方人相当早就接受了摒弃这个生命阶段方面的教育。
- Since it lies well apart from the main town, a tiny Piraeus to a microscopic Athens, they seem almost to turn their backs on it. 由于码头远离镇子,恰似希腊的比雷埃夫斯港远离雅典城一样,因此,莱姆人似乎对它是不屑一顾的。
- Even his most enthusiastic supporters have turned their backs on him. 就连他最狂热的支持者也背叛了他。
- Men will become drunk with the wine which is offered to them; they will turn their backs on Heaven and fix their eyes on the Earth. 人们会变得沉醉于酒,并为它们付出代价;他们会背朝着天空,把他们的眼睛固定在地上。
- If the Unbelievers should fight you, they would certainly turn their backs; then would they find neither protector nor helper. 假若不信道的人们与你们交战,他们必定失败,而且不能发现一个保护者,也不能发现一个援助者。
- After Apollo, NASA's leaders turned their backs on the stars and planets. They delayed or canceled astronomy and space missions, gambling the agency's future on hardware like the space shuttle and space station. 阿波罗[探测外太空火箭]过后,美国宇航局的领导放弃了对星球的探测。他们搁置或取消了天文及太空任务,而将该局的前途赌在航天飞机及太空站一类的硬件上。