- unimanual palpation 单手触诊
- Not every stone can be found on palpation. 不是每个石头都可以在初步诊断里发现。
- Abdominal palpation was slightly painful in the epigastric area. 腹部触诊示上腹部轻微压痛。
- Sharp left lower quadrant pain exacerbated by palpation. 急剧的左下腹疼痛,触诊加重。
- There was tenderness with palpation of limb muscles. 有温情与触诊四肢肌肉。
- Taking or feeling patient's pulse, chest, abdomen, skin, hand and foot all pertain to the category of palpation. 凡切按病人的脉搏,胸,腹,皮肤,手足等,均属于切诊范围。
- The four diagnostic methods refer to inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and palpation. 四诊,即望诊、闻诊、问诊和切诊的总称。
- Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated. 在诊断疑似眼球后出血的情况下马上给予外科与内科疗法。
- Palpation of the heart action has real value; the size of the cardiac impulses can be assessed. 心脏活动的触诊具有实际意义,能估计出心搏动的力量。
- Confirmation can be obtained by detecting extensive necrosis through careful digital palpation. 通过仔细的手指触诊,能从检查出的广泛坏死而获得确诊。
- An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the lids. 眼压可以通过在眼睑上对眼球触诊来估计。
- They are inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, palpation of the pulses. 它们是望、闻、问、切。
- It is the fourth diagnostic methnd, including pulse-taking and, on the other, palpation of different parts of the body. 这是第四种诊断方法,包括切脉和按压身体的其它部位。
- A list of abnormalities detected by precordial palpation and their significance is found in Table 1-3. 心前区触诊异常及其临床意义见表1-3。
- To perform the palpation technique you need to understand tortoise anatomy and be experienced at palpation. 要执行触诊必须要对龟龟的生理构造有所了解而且也必须具有触诊的经验。
- The inspection and palpation was regarded as an important diagnostic method in the early traditional Chinese medicine. 中医学很早就把小儿囟门的望诊和切诊作为诊断的重要手段。
- The JVP waves should be timed with simultaneous palpation of the carotid artery. 计算颈静脉搏动时应同步触诊颈动脉。
- The whole palm, antithenar eminence or fingertips of Right hand is often used when Palpation. 检查者常用右手,以全手掌、手掌尺侧(小鱼际)或示指、中指和无名指并拢以指腹触诊。
- Tumor border is not clear, palpation softness, can be compressed, can touch sometimes reach vein stone. 肿瘤边界不清,扪诊柔软,可以被压缩,有时可扪及静脉石。
- Consequently, the practice of abdominal palpation is employed less frequently and the art may be devalued or lost. 因此,腹部触诊的应用亦相对地减少,而此技巧的艺术价值亦渐被忽视或甚至消失。