- value of art history 美术史价值
- This, I confess, is to me the real aim of art history. 这一点,我承认,是我学习艺术史的真正目的。
- In his attempt to establish a system of his own, he was forced to confront with great problems about the value of judgment in the critical history of art, then discussed in focus. 在这个过程中,狄德罗遭遇了“价值判断”这个艺术批评中经典的问题,他对此表现出来的睿智和惶惑是本文论述的重点。
- Museum of Art and Art History Home to outstanding collections of pre-20th century paintings and sculptures. 艺术及艺术历史博物馆20世纪早期绘画和雕塑的杰出收藏品的展馆。
- As a scholar, Teng Gu had been devoted himself to the study of art history and art archaeology in his short life. 学者滕固在其短暂的一生中致力于美术史研究与美术考古。
- China Today's contemporary photography already has broken the limit of tradition and idea, all images have the value of animadverting have become part of contemporary art history date bank. 今日中国的当代摄影已经打破了传统与观念的限制,一切具有批判性价值的影像都成为当代艺术史资料库中的一个组成部分。
- "Having been a student of art history for a long time those are a little bit more personal," Hwang said. 作为一名曾经的艺术史学生,个人感情上比较喜欢。
- This thesis starts from Saxl’s lifeand then to analyze his study aim of art history. 但其研究意图始终聚焦于一个问题:古典遗产对我们的意义是什么?
- The origin of art, the change of art, the end of art, and the revival of art are the propositions of art history study. 摘要艺术起源、艺术流变、艺术终结和艺术复兴等,是艺术史研究中的诸多重要命题。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- Domestic art historians and theoreticians have hitherto limited their attention to the panorama of art history of the PRC in which Mao iconography makes an insignificant part. 国内美术史论界对毛泽东图像的关注基本只限于将其视为新中国美术史壮阔画卷中一个小小的组成部分。
- Susan Ruddick Bloom is a Professor of Art and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at McDaniel College in Maryland. 这是一本独一无二的图画书,几乎所有人看到都会发出哇的一声惊呼;
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- This paper also touches upon the association of Herder's aesthetics and the study of art history via a closereading of Li Changzhi's works. 而赫尔德的美学思想与其艺术史研究分不开,这一方面则反映在李长之的著述之中。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- Also the added opportunity to own a piece of art history, a real genuine showpiece to hang in their home, office or where ever they desire. 此外,更多机会拥有一件艺术品的历史,一个真正的真正的精品挂在家中,办公室或在以往,他们的愿望。
- The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each. 科学的目的是使人们安心,艺术的目的是使人们不安。这就是它们各自的价值。
- Minna Torma is an independent scholar based in England and also Adjunct Professor of Art History, University of Helsinki. 米娜-托玛:常驻英国的独立学者,芬兰赫尔辛基大学艺术史副教授。