- winter season construction 冬季施工
- A year as expressed through the recurrence of the winter season. 年,岁根据冬季的轮回而说的一年
- Suppose you just redesigned your home page for the winter season. 假设您刚刚对主页进行了重新设计,以使其传达冬季的风情。
- December, January and February make the winter season. 十二月、一月和二月是冬季。
- The harder ground of the early winter season absorbs less sound. 早冬的变得坚硬的地面吸收不了多少声音。
- We are looking for EVA indoor slipper for fall and winter season. 对不起!您没有登录,请先登录,如果还不是本站会员,请免费注册。
- This paper presents the construction highlights and principal technical measures adopted in the construction of pylon pier bases of Gonghe Cable Stayed Bridge in Shenyang in winter season. 介绍沈阳公和斜拉桥主塔承台冬季施工的要点和实施中的主要技术措施。
- The Indian families separate in the winter season and reassociate in spring and summer. 印度的家族在冬季分开,到了春季和夏季时再行团聚。
- I can feel the love of our neighbors since the briquette providers are increasing during the winter season. 在严寒的冬季里,供应我们煤球的善心人士不断增加,让我深深感受到同胞之爱。
- In some parts of United States and Russia, the winter season brings subzero temperatures. 在美国及俄罗斯部份地区,冬季的温度都降到零度以下。
- The autumn climbing season runs from September to November and the winter season from December to January. 秋登山季从九月至十一月,而冬登山季则从十二月至次年的一月。
- The uncommonly warm winter season in much of the Western hemisphere also pushed prices down. 西半球大面积罕见的暖冬天气也促使油价下跌。
- In the winter season, in lower temperature environment, the FF of the MSM is occurred more than in the summer. 在冬季,低气温条件下,金属结构件故障具有多发性。
- The village head is planning a learning program for villagers in this year's slack winter season. 村长打算利用今年的农闲时节,组织一次冬学。
- Miss temple's body, but have practiced a mattress, autumn winter season, and will be cool. 宁小姐平素身体挺好,但有个老毛病,一到秋冬季节,手脚就会冰凉。
- This winter season, the spotlight is on coffee, which isn't just for breakfast anymore. 在这个冬季,我们的注意力将放在咖啡上,咖啡已经不再只是早餐的选择。
- Zz wiki:Loveland is the highest mountain pass in the world that regularly stays open during a snowy winter season. 顶着一弯新月出发,一路向西到达丹佛。之后便驱车登山。
- Since it's the slack winter season, let's go out to find a temporary job, shall we? 趁着冬闲,我们出去打工吧。
- Under the shear wind aloft conditions in the winter season,the fairing of the launch vehicle suffered local structural damage. 在冬季高空切变风条件下,运载火箭整流罩局部结构破坏。
- Prior to 1992,China had already developed two kinds of fairing,and succeeded in many launches under wind aloft conditions in winter season. 早在1992年前,中国已研制成功两种整流罩,多次在冬季高空风条件下发射成功。