- He had four years of schooling off and on. 他断断续续读了四年书。
- He had only five years of schooling. 他只上过五年学。
- Born into a poor family , he had only two years of schooling. 他出生在贫苦家庭;只读过两年书.
- The first year of school, for five-year-olds, before first grade. 五岁儿童上一年级之前接受的第一年学校教育。
- Overall my early years of schooling were quite wonderful. 早年学校生活是相当精彩的。
- Born into a poor family,Lincoln had only one year of schooling. 由于出生在贫苦家庭,林肯只上了一年的学。
- Zhou Bao Gang, Beijing: Donation for one year of schooling for one child. 北京周宝刚认养孩子一年的费用。
- Gao Pei Chun, Beijing: Donation for one year of schooling for one child. 北京高培春捐助孩子一年费用。
- At the time all those years of schooling sounded like an eternity to speed in preparation for a career. 那时,要念那么多年书作准备以后,才能开始工作,听起来仿佛永远也盼不到这一天似的。
- Well-educated people are less likely to smoke than men with fewer years of schooling. 受过良好教育的人吸烟人数比没受什么教育的人少。
- At the time,all those years of schooling sounded like an eternity to speed in preparation for a career. 那时,要念那么多年书作准备以后,才能开始工作,听起来仿佛永远也盼不到这一天似的。
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 丰年时人人都吃得饱。
- That smell is evocative of school. 这种气味使人回想起学校来。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- Success is the fruition of his years of work. 成功是他多年工作的成果。
- EPQ-P scores of male students were found to be increasing with years of schooling. 男生EPQ-P,入学后随校龄增加而递增,并以毕业前分值最高。
- That song always brings back memories of school. 那首歌总是使人想起过去的学校生活。
- Congratulations on a job well done,and good luck to you during the next four years of school. 祝贺你已取得的出色成绩,并预祝你在未来的四年大学期间一切顺利。
- The Diploma Programme is for students in the final two years of school before university. 文凭项目提供给高中学生,为进入大学做准备。
- The children rushed out of school. 孩子们飞快跑出学校。