- 医保medical insurance
- 他用同音词'weak'和'week'说了句双关语。He punned on the likeness of 'weak' and 'week'.
- weak可与tea相搭配.'Weak' and 'tea' collocate.
- 医改medical reform
- foot (器皿)底足
- 把书排列在书架上“weak”collocate books on a shelf
- dial foot (钟)表盘面脚
- “weak”可与“tea”构成词组,而“feeble”则不可。“Weak”can be collocated with “tea”, but “feeble” can not.
- hot和foot无法押韵。You cannot rhyme" hot" and" foot."
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 他用同音词“weak”和“week”说了句双关语。He punned on the likeness of"weak" and"week".
- horses foot oil马足油
- 医者doctor
- iron foot (青瓷的底脚)铁足
- 学医study medicine
- (=pounds per square foot) 磅/平方英尺p.s.f.
- 假使他们俩不出自己所料,but the flesh is weak,这个字不用说是含蓄浑成,最好没有了。If they had done as he expected, then needless to say the word held a subtler implication, as in "But the flesh is weak," and couldn't have been better chosen.
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- foot ring (瓷碗,瓷盘之底足) (碗盘)底足圈
- 女医woman physician