- 一个MIS系统的重建Re-engineering a MIS
- 系统的systemic
- 查找下一个find next
- 年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
- 在清初社会秩序的重建过程中,明遗民是一个举足轻重的政治异己力量。In the reconstruction process of social order at the beginning stage of Qing Dynasty, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty are political dissident force of consequence.
- 基于Struts框架和Hibernate架构的大型财务公司MIS系统的设计与实现The Design and Implement of a MIS System Based on Struts Framework and Hibernate in a Large Financial Company
- 每一个every last
- 我们的重建计划搁了浅,因为地方政府已经拒绝提供必要的款项。Our plans for rebuilding have run aground, as the council have refused to allow the necessary money.
- 本文介绍MIS软件的开发工具DPE,DPE用快速原型法,能较好地辅助MIS系统的开发。An MIS software development tool DPE is introduced that uses fast prototyping to facilitate MIS system development.
- 李达三楼的重建工程均依照以上的程序,按比现时法例规定更高标准而进行。The proposed rebuilding of the Li Dak Sum Building has followed these same procedures, and has, in fact, observed standards above the regulations currently in force.
- 分布式多层结构的工程勘测MIS系统的设计The design and implementation of the engineering reconnaissance MIS system for distributed multi-layer structure
- 神经系统的neural
- 一份好的实验记录可帮助一个人在一段时间后确实的重建当时的实验。A good notebook will enable someone to reconstruct, long after the fact, exactly what was done and why.
- 基于MIS系统的火电厂能损实时监测系统Energy Loss Monitoring System Based on MIS in the Power Plant
- 一个客户/服务器MIS系统开发中的若干数据库设计问题Key to the Question of Database Design in Client/ Server
- 一种中小型连锁超市MIS系统的设计与实现Design and Realization of An MIS System for Modest-size Chain Supermarket
- 用ASP技术实现B/S模式下MIS系统的权限控制Authorization Control Method of MIS Using ASP in B/S Mode
- 井然的,有条理的以有规律的,有系统的秩序排列或进行的Arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order.
- 新形势下图书进口企业信息系统的重建Reengineering of Information System for Books Importing Business under New Technical and Economic Conditions
- 博学的具有或显示出深奥并通常是系统的知识的;有学问的Possessing or demonstrating profound, often systematic knowledge; erudite.