- 三模冗余DSP控制器triple modular redundant DSP controller
- 时空三模冗余space and time TMR
- 三模冗余设计triple module redundancy (TMR)
- 三模冗余(TMR)Triple Modular Redundanee(TMR)
- DSP控制器DSP controller
- 用于静电放电EMP实验的三模冗余技术TMR Technology in ESD EMP Experiment
- 基于DSP控制器的悬挂运动控制系统The Hang Motion Control System Based on DSP Processor
- 三模冗余计算机联锁系统可靠性安全性分析Reliability and Safety Analysis of TMR Computer-based Interlocking System
- 全液压推土机行驶系统DSP控制器的研究Study of DSP Controller of the Driving System on Hydrostatic Transmission Bulldozer
- 用DSP控制器整合马达控制和功率因数校正Using a DSP Controller to Integrate Motor Control and Power Factor Correction
- FT-HIT是我们自行研制的三模冗余(TMR)航天容错计算机。FT-HIT is an aerospace TMR fault tolerant computer system, which uses the technique of hardware redundancy and software implemented fauit tolerance.
- DSP控制器在船舶试验台位置系统中的应用研究A DSP Controller for Position System of the Test Bed for Ships
- 双模冗余duplication redundancy
- 基于DSP控制器的电压空间矢量脉宽调制信号的实现Voltage Space Vector Width-modulation Based on DSP Controller
- 三模座three-holder
- N模冗余N-module redundant
- 三模重叠Three-mode overlapped
- DSP励磁控制器DSP excitation controller
- DSP数字信号控制器DSP
- 三模跟踪three-mode tracking