- 三阶段DEA模型three - stage DEA
- 三阶段DEAthree-stage DEA
- 两阶段DEAtwo-phase DEA method
- DEA三阶段模型Three-Stage DEA Model
- 三年three years
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 三级third class
- DEA模型中生产可能性集合的包含关系The Inclusion Relations between Production Possibility Sets in DEA Models
- Max-min DEA模型及效率讨价还价均衡解Max-min DEA model and corresponding Nash bargaining solution
- 日产发言人表示,规划中的新投资案是横滨厂产能扩充三阶段计划的一部分。The planned new investment is part of the company's three-stage output expansion programme for the Yokohama plant, a Nissan spokeswoman said.
- 具有边际收益递增特性的DEA模型求解方法A method to resolve DEA model with increasing marginal revenue
- 三阶段three stages
- 汽车制造业上市公司经营效率的DEA模型分析Evaluation of the operational efficiency of listed automobile manufacturing corporations by DEA
- 三阶段管pipe manufacturing trio-process
- 人力资源对国民经济发展贡献评价的DEA模型DEA model about evaluating effect of human resources upon economic development and economic growth
- 谈计算机技术在企业现行文件与档案管理中应用的三阶段On the Three Stages during the Computer Technology Applied to Business'Current file and Archive Management
- DEA模型DEA model
- 三阶段论the three stages theory
- 加性DEA模型与规模收益Additive Model in DEA and Returns to Scale
- 三阶段法three phases method