- 上证A股指数Shanghai A-share index
- 上证A股A Share in Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 本文使用序列自相关分析、游程检验、滤嘴法则和自回归残差检验四种方法对上证A股综合股价指数、深证A股成份股价指数、道·琼斯工业平均数和NASDAQ综合股价指数的弱式有效性作了检验。This paper makes tests of weak-form efficiency for SSE A Share Composite Index,SZSE A Share Component Index,Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ Composite Index by means of serial auto-correlation,run test,filter rule and auto-regression.
- A股指数A-share Index
- 上证A指Shanghai A-Shares Index
- 指数index
- 上证A指预测波动率期限结构的实证分析Empirical Study on the Forecasting Volatility Term Structure of Shanghai Stock Exchange A-Shares Index
- 上海A股指数Shanghai A-share Index
- 上证指数Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
- A股A-share
- 肱股指数[医] femorohumeral index
- 径股指数[医] tibiofemoral indices
- A股市场A share market
- H股指数期货H-shares Index Futures
- 这样,A股市场资金充裕与否就制约了内地A股市场能否超常发展。So, A stock market fund abundant to restrain inland A stock market from could develop above average.
- 上海B股指数Shanghai B-share Index
- A股上市list on A share market
- 国企股指数H-shares
- 流通A股outstanding common stock a share