- 不同阴离子形态Zn肥Various anionic zinc fertilizers
- 我们的嗜好不同。Our tastes differ from each other.
- 我对这个问题的理解则完全不同。My perception of the problem is quite different.
- 把塑料布铺盖在肥堆上,并用木桩固定好,以加速肥料腐烂。A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition.
- xn+yn=znx~n+y~n=z~n
- 流域形态watershed morphology
- 磷酸阴离子phosphate anion
- 农夫试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market.
- Zn铁氧体zinc fettite
- 在不同方面in many ways
- 包含四种形态的quadriform
- 氨肥ammonia fertilizer
- 她容忍不同的意见。She was tolerant of different views.
- 形态硫Sulfur Forms
- 伴肥concomitant fertilizer
- 在不同的时期one time and another
- 零形态zero
- 他吃得肥头大耳,整日无所事事。He was fat and bulky, having nothing to do all day long.
- 不同国家的人说不同的语言。People in different countries speak different languages.
- 形态格morphological case