- 专用DSPprofessional DSP
- S1240专用DSP LSICustom DSP LSI of S1240
- 用嵌入式技术设计专用DSP系统研究Study on the System Design of Single-Purpose DSP With Embedded Technology
- 专用special
- 一种基于专用DSP芯片的三相电参数测量系统A Three-Phase Electrical Parameters Measurement System Using a Specially Designed DSP Chip
- 专用的special
- 专用章special seal
- AOB是装有垂直声接收器阵和数个温度传感器的轻型水面浮标,它可空投或者由人工从小船上布放。 接收到经过GPS精确标定的数据被存储在本地,并通过板载的专用DSP硬件进行处理。The AOB is a lightweight surface buoy with a vertical array of acoustic receivers and temperature sensors to be air dropped or land deployed from a small boat.The received data is geotime and GPS precisely marked,locally stored and processed by on board dedicated DSP hardware.
- 专用工具special purpose tools
- 专用设备special hardware
- DSPdigital signal processor (DSP)
- 多DSPmulti-DSP
- 双DSPdual-DSP
- 专款专用earmarking
- DSP板DSP board
- 增值税专用发票VAT invoice
- DSP控制DSP control
- 专用名词specific term
- DSP技术DSP technology
- 商标专用权exclusive right to use trademark