- 东方百合SiberiaLilium oriental Siberia
- 百合lily
- 以东方百合“索邦”的鳞片为外植体,进行组织培养技术研究。The oriental lily squamas of Sorbonne were used as explants for tissue culture.
- 东方百合杂种系oriental lily hybrid
- 东方百合‘索邦’Lilium oriental 'Sorbonne'
- 东方百合切花栽培基质及营养配方研究Study of the substrates and nutrient directions on cutting flower culture of Oriental Lily Hybrids
- 浙江省山地繁育东方百合种球栽培技术Cultural techniques for propagation of oriental lily bulb in mountainous area in Zhejiang province
- 把车拐向东方to switch the car to the east
- 爱德华·赛义德:颠覆型的知识分子与对东方学的质疑Edward Said: The Subversive Intellectual and His Subversion of Orientalism
- 野百合rattlebush
- 东方化在特性上变成东方式的To become oriental in character.
- 激素处理对东方百合试管苗生根与移栽的影响Effects of hormone treatments on rootage and transplanting of test-tube plantlets of Oriental Lily
- 东方白鹳Ciconiaboyciana
- 西芹百合Sautéed Lily Bulbs and Celery
- 太阳总是从东方升起。The sun always rises in the east.
- 东方渐渐发白the quickening east
- 东方百合组培快繁及试管苗健化栽培技术研究Study on Cultivation Technique in Fast Propagation of Tissue Culture and Test-tube Seedling Exuberance for Eastern Lilium Brownii
- 向东方 旅行travel east
- 东方旅馆The Oriental Hotel
- 矮百合blazingstar