- 中文版Doloplus-2量表Chinese version DOLOPLUS-2 Scale
- 如不加诱导剂,血小板自发性释放TXB_2量甚微。However, the level of TXB_2 spontaneously released from rabbit platelets was very low.
- 中文版工作倦怠量表Chinese Maslach aumout Inventory
- 社会比较倾向量表中文版的信效度检验Reliability and Validation of the Social Comparison Orientation Scale
- ZBI量表ZBI scale
- ADL量表ADL scale
- 研究工具:(1)一般生活状况问卷(2)纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表(MUNSH)(3)症状自评量表(SCL-90)。SCL-90 and 3. MUNSH (Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness).
- Wolf运动功能测试量表的标准效度和评定者内部信度研究A study on intrarater reliability and criterion validity of Wolf motor function test
- 记忆量表Wechsler memory scale
- 测评量表checking and measuring quantitative forms
- 症状量表cross-sectional study
- 汽车油量表Fuel level gauges for automobiles
- 潘氏量表the PANSS
- MMSE量表MMSE scale
- 量表开发scale development
- 自尊量表the self-esteem scale (SES)
- ADL-R量表ADL- R scale
- 枯竭量表Burnout Inventory
- COPE量表COPES cale
- 情感量表Affect Scale