- 二叉决策树SVMbinarv tree SVM
- 二叉决策树生成算法的VC维上界On Upper Bound of VC Dimension of Binary Decision Tree Algorithms
- 给出了基于TMS320C6711DSPs的并行实时实现方案,即用每一个DSP芯片完成一棵二叉树SVM的运算任务。The scheme of implementing the multi-class classifier on TMS320C6711DSPs with parallel structure is put forth, where each DSP chip accomplishes one binary tree SVM computing task.
- 二叉决策Binary decision
- 二叉决策树bi-decision-tree
- 二叉决策图BDD
- 有序二叉决策图ordered binary decision diagram
- 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
- 白桦树silver birch
- 邻苯二甲酸盐phthalate
- 蚂蚁上树diced beef with water flour
- 磷酸二氢钾monopotassium phosphate
- 他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。He wormed his small body through the hedge.
- 那位印第安人叉中了一条鱼。The Indian speared a fish.
- 邻苯二甲酸phthalandione
- 他们在树底下乘凉。They sheltered from the sun under a tree.
- 50年前在教堂附近种的这棵树,最近由于被一家报纸提及而出了名。The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
- 磷酸二氢钠monosodium orthophosphate
- 这棵树的树干有四米粗。The trunk of this tree is four meters thick.
- 磷酸氢二钠disodium hydrogen phosphate