- 五万田碱Agomando base-A
- 台钩藤碱Aisoformosamine
- 把A误以为take A for B
- 田麦角碱,农棒碱8,9-didehydro-6,8-dimethylergoline
- 我们花五万美金买这个店铺,外加八千美金付它的商业信誉。We paid %2450,000 for the store, plus %248,000 for goodwill.
- 把A视为looked upon A as B
- 地震在田地里留下一条裂口。The earthquake left a gulf in the fields.
- 他的毛收入为五万美元。His gross income is %2450,000.
- 把A比喻compare A to B
- π碱π-base
- 买棉花田杀虫剂的事你去办办好吗?Will you see about getting insecticide for the cotton fields?
- 氨制碱ammonia hydrate
- 把A换成exchange A for B
- 八田数Hatta number
- 阿吗碱raubasine
- 我得了一个A-。I got an A minus.
- 板田模型sakata model
- 氨苯碱aminophylline
- 凹地型地热田depression type geothermal field
- 把A误认为mistake A for B