- 人民币汇率预期与人民币NDF汇率的实证研究An Empirical Study of CNY Exchange Rate Expected and NDF Rate
- 人民币NDF汇率RMB non-deliverable forward (NDF) exchange rate
- 人民币Renminbi (RMB)
- 人民币升值appreciation of the RMB
- 物价会随汇率而变动。Prices are variable according to the rate of exchange.
- 人民币汇率RMB exchange rate
- 查明汇率多少。Find out how the exchange is.
- 元人民币yuan
- 英镑远期汇率的价格是多少?What is the forward rate for the pound?
- 电汇汇率,电汇率t.t. rate;telegraphic transfer rate
- 人民币对美圆汇率稳定the stability of RMB exchange rate against USD
- 碳汇率carbon-sinks ratie
- 人民币元RMB¥
- 汇率下跌的速度在放慢。The fall in the exchange rate is slowing down.
- 人民币汇率形成机制the rate-forming mechanism of renminbi
- 汇率预期appreciation expectation
- 汇率期权exchange rate options
- 今收到王娟小姐还款人民币两千元整。Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan.
- 汇率冲击exchange rate shock
- 这笔外币折成人民币是多少?How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in Renminbi?