- 试图通过对多媒体流TCP友好的拥塞控制机制、无线网中改进传输控制协议TCP性能方法的研究和优化多媒体流多播路由算法,以满足远程教育及众多应用领域的需求。This paper tries to meet the needs for remote education and other applications by advancing TCP-friendly congestion control, improving performance of TCP for wireless networks, and optimizing multimedia streaming multicast algorithms.
- 传输控制协议TCPTCP
- 传输控制协议TCP是专门设计用于在Internet上提供可靠的、健壮的、端到端的通讯协议。Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable, robust and end-to-end transmission protocol designed for Internet.
- 传输控制协议利用再传输策略保证数据不会在传送中丢失。TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission.
- 传输控制协议(TCP)transmission control protocol (TCP)
- 在传输控制协议/互连网协议议定书并不正确安装或配置.The TCP/IP protocol is not installed or configured properly.
- 网络协议TCP/IP,分别相当于ISO/OSI参考模式中的第四层和第三层,源于美国国防部ARPANET的协议标准.Network protocols TCP/IP originated from the protocol standards of the U. S. DoD/ARPANET map into layer 4 and 3 of the ISO OSI reference model respectively.
- 束下传输控制transmit control
- 设计并实现了网络层协议IP、ARP、ICMP等,可靠流式报文段传输协议TCP以及应用层协议HTTP协议。The protocols of network level such as IP, ARP and ICMP are analyzed and implemented. Reliable stream segment transferring protocol TCP and the application level protocol HTTP is implement.
- 帧控制协议PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol, NBFCP
- 指定为SerialPort对象建立串行端口通信时使用的控制协议。Specifies the control protocol used in establishing a serial port communication for a SerialPort object.
- 然后,有一些传输控制协议/IP工具和能帮助你处理你的网络的配置。Then, there are a number of TCP/IP tools and configurations that can help you manage your network.
- 3学生应知道传输控制协定/互网络协定(TCP/IP)及动态主机配置协定(DHCP)等常见协定的用途。Students should know the use of some common protocols including TCP/IP and DHCP, etc.
- 采用动态波长分插复用器的光突发交换环网中的控制协议研究Study of Control Protocol in Optical Burst Switching Ring Network with Dynamic Wavelength Add-Drop Multiplexer
- 传榆控制协议TCP
- 以太网最典型的应用形式是Ethernet+TCP/IP,即灵活的Ethernet底层加上几乎已成为通用标准的网络传输协议TCP/IP,使得以太网能够非常容易地集成到以Internet和Web技术为代表的信息网络中。The typical application form of Ethernet is Ethernet+ TCP/IP. That is to combine a versatile, scaleable, and ubiquitous physical network (Ethernet) with a universal networking standard (TCP/IP), which make it extraordinarily easy for Ethernet to integrate into the information network represented with the Internet and the Web technology.
- 显示控制协议XCP
- 并发控制协议concurrency control protocol
- 多点控制协议MPCP
- 传输控制与因特网协议TCP/ IP