- 依赖注入dependency injection
- 依赖注入模式dependency injection pattern
- 依赖注入(DI)dependency injection ( DI )
- 有了依赖注入,该工作就由称之为With dependency injection, that job goes to a third party - call it the
- 依赖to depend on
- 注入pour in
- 使用依赖注入来松散、解析依赖性Use dependency injection to loosen and resolve dependencies
- 依赖的reliant
- 依赖于rely
- 依赖注入让您将对象和它所依赖的东西交给第三方。Dependency injection lets you give an object and its dependencies to a third party.
- 注入活力inject vigour into; pump life into
- 不依赖independent of
- 注入资金inject capital
- 相互依赖correlative dependence
- 他用漏斗把油注入瓶中。He funneled the oil into the bottle.
- 回转轮将水从机器顶上注入。The rotor cataracts water over the top of the machines.
- 互相依赖interdependeney
- 给军队注入新的活力infuse new life into the troops
- 依赖关系dependency relationship
- 由于聘请了年轻人担任重要职务,给该公司注入了新的活力。New blood was brought into the company through appointment of younger men to important positions.