- 光子计数式光电倍增管四象限型和弱光像增强CCD跟踪系统的性能比较Performance Comparison of Photon Counting Quadrant Tracking System and Intensifier CCD Tracking System
- 增强CCDIntensified CCD
- 增强to increase
- 像增强型CCD(ICCD)image intensified CCD(ICCD)
- 不像unlike
- CCD用于像增强器亮度增益测试的研究Research on test of image intensifier's brightness gain with CCD
- 增强的enganced
- 正像positive picture
- 长得像look like; look like
- 那增强了我的自信心。That boosts up my confidence.
- 像增强管与变像管image intensifier and converter
- 像增强image intensifying; image; intensification
- 第二章介绍了微光像增强器的原理、特性、种类及性能参数。In the second chapter, the principle, characteristics, types and parameters of LLL image intensifier are introduced.
- 薄片渠道像增强器wafer channeltron image intensifier
- 变倍率像增强管zoom image intensifier tube
- 增强正像positive intensified image
- 增强式视像管intensifier vidicon
- 增强式直像管intensifier orthicon
- 潜像增强latensification