- 充满Julia集Filled Julia set
- 上半平面极限映射的混沌吸引子及充满Julia集Chaotic Attractors and Generalized Filled-in Julia Sets from Mapping with Upper Halfplane Limit and Square Limit
- Julia集Julia set
- 广义Julia集general Julia set
- 填充Julia集Julia sets
- 合集union
- 会上充满乐观的气氛。A mood of optimism pervaded the gathering.
- 分集diversity
- 他的心里充满了感激之情。His heart overflowed with gratitude.
- Julia集的控制control of Julia set
- 他们的谈话充满了俚语。Their conversation was full of slang.
- 歌集songbook
- 我们的开端充满希望。We had a hopeful beginning.
- 并集union of set
- 人生充满着磨难。Life is full of trials.
- Julia方向Julia direction
- 群集throng
- 空气里充满了玫瑰花的芳香。The air is scented with rose.
- 拟亚纯映射的Julia方向The Julia Direction of Quasimeromorphic Mappings
- 他充满信心。He is instinct with confidence.